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python for windows

PostPosted: 25. July 2006 09:12
by besonen
[sorry for the dupe, i decided after i posted to the addon sub-forum that this sub-forum would more likely yield responses.]


can the "xampp-python-addon-2.3.5-installer.exe" be used with the latest version of xampp for windows (1.5.3a)? or should i stick with xampp 1.4.15 per the readme file in the python 2.3.5 installer which says "Add-on Python 2.3.5 (for XAMPP 1.4.15 recommended)"?

also, given that the .bat file in the python installer is written in german, will i have any trouble using this installer with an english xampp installation?


PostPosted: 25. July 2006 09:38
by Izzy
A similar question was asked here:

The Mod Weidmann answered that:
IMHO there is no Python add on for the current XAMPP:

So my guess would be to use the old XAMPP version or be a devil and try to install it on this 1.5.3a new version and see how you go. The german bat file may be translated via the web to give you some clues.

If you want to try it manually a Google search for python for windows came up with some useful results.

Good Luck :)