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(ImageMagick) DrawSetFont entry point not found in CORE_RL_*

PostPosted: 22. July 2006 07:59
by matiasdag
I want to enable ImageMagick in my application and so uncomment the setting in php.ini
Code: Select all

saved and installed the ImageMagick binary release ImageMagick-6.2.8-5-Q16-windows-dll.exe, then when I restart the apache server I get the following error messages:

DrawSetFont entry point not found in the CORE_RL_magick_.dll

and another Dialog Box saying:

"PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic link library 'c:\Program Files\apachefriends\xampp\php\ext\php_imagick.dll' - Specified process not found.


ImageMagick is in the PATH environment variable, I'm running WinXP with PHP 5.0. I'd appreciate any help.


PostPosted: 22. July 2006 13:42
by Wiedmann
Your binary releays of ImageMagick is to new. Use an older version.