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Custom Error Pages

PostPosted: 09. July 2006 07:42
by naughtydude having a bit of a problem with the custom error pages on apache...what im trying to do is to create my own error pages like 404, 403... so i added a line in httpd.conf containing ErrorDocument 404 but it doesnt seem to change the 404 default i change the lines in httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf but still doesnt change why not use .htaccess right? hmm...well on .htaccess access instead of staying on the same page they requested, it redirects them into the actual customized page. With .htaccess, like for example i was trying to access but hello.php does not exist, it redirects me to . I dont like that...i want them to stay on the same page they were trying to access, like for example im trying to access but hello.php does not exist so i want to stay on and showing the custom 404 error page i created. does it make sense? i hope so...thanks guys

PostPosted: 09. July 2006 08:42
by naughtydude
ok i restarted apache and it worked, but it redirected....