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Viewing directory contents.

PostPosted: 30. April 2006 03:28
by robbie

I was wanting to be able to view the content of a directory. I placed the directory in the security/htdocs area, so it is password protected, but I am unable to view the contents of the folder.

The path to the directory: C:\Files\xampp\security\htdocs\directory

This way it is password protected. How do I allow everything inside "directory" to be shown, and nothing outside?


Found the answer!

PostPosted: 30. April 2006 04:13
by robbie
Add this to the httpd.conf

# Allow access to secure directory
<Directory "C:/Files/xampp/security/htdocs/dirctory">
# -Indexes means Do not show directory contents
# +Indexes means Do show directory contents
# Options -Indexes
Options +Indexes