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how to disable mysql sql warning display?

PostPosted: 23. March 2006 02:04
by ta1
Hello, I have been using XAMPP for a while, it basically works as a charm for me on both Windows and MAC.

I have a simple question - I'd like to disable the warning messages. For example: if I were to connect to mysql via php:

new mysqli($host,$user, $pass, $db);

When the user id/pwd are not correct, I don't want to see the warning messages like below displayed via browser. How do I change XAMPP to add --error-log command?

Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli]: Access denied for user 'erere'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in "myphp" on line x

PostPosted: 23. March 2006 02:31
by KingCrunch
try "@" before "new" or set error_reporting to E_NONE (?) in php.

PostPosted: 23. March 2006 16:46
by ta1
I changed the php.ini in the apache/bin, (set display_errors = off and log_errors = on) and it worked.