Ideas, suggestions, proposals...

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Ideas, suggestions, proposals...

Postby chanio » 03. July 2003 05:49

¿Haven't you once asked why should a text file show like a plain text at your newly nicely decorated site?
Well, I did and started studying Apache's extensions in order to create a .cgi file that would relate any .txt file with a nicely (at least 4 me) dessigned html page. Now I am able to click on any .txt or .diz file and see a cute page that lets me scroll, copy and paste on my Wampp2.
Do you like to share my joy? Please, help yourself at this place: Choose the file. It has a step by step explanation of how you could start doing some first contact with your httpd.conf file (the rest is just copy on the right folders).
Remember to re-boot your server to see the changes.
Please, add any suggestion about this idea.
Gallactic Firewall
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