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import a mysql database to xampp/

PostPosted: 16. October 2005 15:08
by newed
I am only getting started with mysql and especially xampp ( which I think is fantastic) :lol:
What I need to know is can I import and exsisting database into xampp/mysql :?:

and if I can

then, how can i then access it through a .php page :?:

Thank You

MySQL Database Importing...

PostPosted: 17. October 2005 10:37
by winkman
Hi Buddy,
Importing a database into your new XAMPP installation is fairly easy, because you have PHPMyAdmin on your new installation...
If you don't have PHPMyAdmin on your OLD installation,
you can use the MySQL admin window to enter the commands manually...

Basically, what you need to do is export the old database from your system, and import it to your new installation....

This is done by using the EXPORT command...
You can try and follow my instructions, or you can search the net for MySQL instructions, it's your choice...

OK, if you haven't got PHPMyAdmin,
your going to need to search the net (check for the EXPORT command instructions... You should find some fairly easy instructions on that site, but basically you should need to type something SIMILAR to this, (don't copy it because i know that it's not exact)

Code: (In the MySQL Command window)
EXPORT <Table/database name> <filename>
End Code...

But if you don't have PHPMyAdmin installed, do check

If you do have PHPMyAdmin installed (with your old databases, not XAMPP) (with the server turned ON, usually Apache)
1)Navigate to
3)Click EXPORT
4)Select the database that you want to export
5)Check SAVE AS FILE checkbox
6)Click GO
7)A save-as box should pop up, select your save destination, and away you go... :D
8)Repeat as necessary...

This is fairly simple, as you now should have PHPMyAdmin (PMA) with your new XAMPP installation... :D
1) Turn on the web server... (Usually (WINDOWS) Start>Programs>ApacheFriends>XAMPP>Xampp Control Panel

2)Click Start for Apache & MySQL.

3) In you web-browser (you shouldn't need to be online) navigate to

4)Login (if it's your first time, type root as the username, and leave the password blank... If you haven't configured passwords, definately view the XAMPP security settings, and set some up... (http://localhost/) (Follow the prompts from there)

5)Click the MYSQL icon, which is located under the main PMA logo, on the left hand menu bar.

6)A window will popup...

7)Click Import files, and navigate to the location of your recently saved textfile... Hit GO,

And your old database has been imported into your new MySQL installation... :D

As for PHP database access scripts, you need to search the net for some good tutorials (try MySQL tutorials, PHP Tutorials, MySQL Database tutorials, etc.) and maybe check at your local library for some good database/php books... :D they'll explain it clearly and simply... :D

Otherwise, (and if this hasn't been any help) check out these sites: (Oreilly make many texts on scripting languages)

Hope this helps
God Bless,

God Bless Mitch

PostPosted: 18. October 2005 01:22
by newed
Hi Mitch

Thank you for your really good reply

much appreciated

God Bless

Good Advice...

PostPosted: 18. October 2005 10:30
by winkman
Hi Buddy,
The help was no problem,
I know (because i'm still a tad new to this game) that things do start off difficult... And you will always need any help you can get... :D
That's what help forums are for! LOL

Just wondering if you have PMA, or if you're using an admin window for MySQL... ? And did it work? Or haven't you tried it yet?!?

God Bless,
Your handy-dandy helper friend...