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One serious BUG and Suggestion

PostPosted: 09. October 2005 01:47
by Get Free
The BUG:

I installed XAMPP on this folder:
D:\Windows & Programs files\

and XAMPP simple did not work.
I dont know why I suspected that the problem might be the spaces/ampersand in the folder path.
I looked inside some conf files and I found this:
"D:\Windows D:\xampplite Programs files\xampplite\..."

WTF, I thought.
This thing replaced the ampersand for... "D:\xampplite"

I had to fix all paths on every conf file and then xampp worked fine.

As I said above, I still dont know why I had the feeling that the problem was the ampersand and/or the spaces because from a software of the fame and quality of XAMPP I would not expect such problems at all.

The Suggestion:

Please add support for symbolic links (shell links) in the public web directory.

I have all my web projects perfectly organized and I simply cannot consider moving my project's folders to the htdocs folder of xampp.
A symbolic link to my project's folders in the htdocs directory is the perfect solution.

Using hard links would work by now, but that alternative is very dangerous because if I uninstall xampp I would lose all my stuff.


Is this the proper place to make these comments or should I e-mail the developers about this??


PostPosted: 10. October 2005 19:54
by Wiedmann
I installed XAMPP on this folder "D:\Windows & Programs files\" and XAMPP simple did not work.
I still dont know why I had the feeling that the problem was the ampersand and/or the spaces

Thanks for the report. It was the ampersand. Replace the following files:

XAMPP: \xampp\install\install.php
XAMPP Lite: \xampplite\install\install.php (please remove the ".lite" from the filename)

XAMPP / XAMPP Lite: \xampp(lite)\security\htdocs\securefunctions.php

Please add support for symbolic links (shell links) in the public web directory.

Sorry, this is nothing what we can do, because it's a limitation from the Apache webserver.
==> Apache don't know how to handle Windows shell links.

You can use the Alias directive in "httpd.conf" instead.

PostPosted: 11. October 2005 10:43
by Get Free
Wiedmann wrote:Thanks for the report. It was the ampersand. Replace the following files:

XAMPP: \xampp\install\install.php
XAMPP Lite: \xampplite\install\install.php (please remove the ".lite" from the filename)

XAMPP / XAMPP Lite: \xampp(lite)\security\htdocs\securefunctions.php
Thank you for the fast fixing.

Wiedmann wrote:You can use the Alias directive in "httpd.conf" instead.
ohhhh... I didn't know about that.
That's just what I need, Thanx again.