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The apache does not start on my system, I already make all t

PostPosted: 15. September 2005 17:57
by Mariwal
Hello :)

1. I have this error
2. I alread read FAQ
3. I alread make this things
4. What can be?

1. This error when runnig apache:

"(OS 10038)Socket operation on non-socket: make
_sock: for address, apr_socket_opt_set: (SO_KEEPALIVE)
no listening sockets available, shutting down"

The apache does not start on my system!!!

2. I already read FAQ, and uninstall firewall, disable another webserver (The Abyss webserver run normaly) My version of winsock is I'm runing xampp in a laptop whit WinME. I dont have Skype.

3. I already make this things:
- chage the port in apache/conf/httpd.conf in apache to 8080, but the error persist. (For some reason my firewall left something in registry, blocking port 80 ??? But, i change the port and the error persist.)

4. What can be?

Thanks for any help.

PostPosted: 15. September 2005 18:06
by Wiedmann
This error occurs only with Windows ME and we have no idea why (but it must something with the network setup).

My network

PostPosted: 15. September 2005 18:10
by Mariwal
I have this network:

internet -> cable modem -> normal router -> wireless router -> PCMCIA reciver -> notebook

And thank you Wiedmann :)

PostPosted: 19. September 2005 03:12
by thekingofcaseys
Do you use AOL to connect to the internet Using the AOL software this does conflict with XAMPP

go here apache/conf/ssl.conf (Or something along those lines) inside there look the ssl listening port which should be set at 443 and change the listengin port from 443 to 4430 this should stop you getting the error.