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PostPosted: 06. May 2005 10:13
by jim_b0

Every time I set register_globals to "off" in php5.ini and reset the server the ini file seems to reset back to "on"

Any ideas what might be going on?


PostPosted: 06. May 2005 10:19
by Wiedmann
What is "php5.ini"?

Look the output from phpinfo() where your "php.ini" is.

PostPosted: 06. May 2005 10:31
by jim_b0

Arrg, thanks for that ..

What are the ini files for within the php folder?

PostPosted: 06. May 2005 11:45
by Wiedmann
Read: http://localhost/xampp/phpswitch.php

(this is a page from the xampp demopage. You can found this link in the navigation under the section "Tools")