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Web file transfers stop at 2 meg

PostPosted: 24. April 2005 23:26
by livewireorg
I have a downloads page on my webserver and any file over 2 megs in size gets truncated at the 2 meg point. I've changed the httpd.conf file EnableSendfile setting to on in order to try and work around the problem but still have the same result. Anybody else seen this?



PostPosted: 26. April 2005 08:46
by foxxx428
In php.ini find these 2 and edit:

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 2M

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M

PostPosted: 26. April 2005 23:14
by livewireorg
I had upload set to 20 and post to 8 still didnt fix the problem. I banged on it some more and finally got it working propery with php4. When I went back to php5 the problem reappeared. I'm happy I can get it to work. Nothing else seems broken at the moment changing from version 5 to 4, but I would like to know what changes under the covers that breaks this....



PostPosted: 27. April 2005 18:30
by Dave_L
When I went back to php5 the problem reappeared

XAMPP uses different copies of php.ini for PHP4 and PHP 5. The changes you made to php.ini may have been lost.

Run phpMyAdmin ("Show PHP information") to view the current values for post_max_size and upload_max_filesize. That will also show you the path to the current php.ini.