zlib compressor path ?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

zlib compressor path ?

Postby dobbelina » 16. March 2005 07:43

Hi !
I have xampp installed on my Windows xp machine.
I'm trying to find the path to the zlib compressor for making
compressed archives with the "gz" extension.

I have a perl database backup script that can compress (if found)
sql backups.

When i run the script on linux (at my webhost) the script seems to find the
ArchiverCommand by itself.
But when running it on windows, it seems it cant find the command/path ?

The auto created config file looks like this:

# full path (if required) and name of the archiver
# %f% - defines filename to pack, %a% - defines filename of archive
# for example (WinRAR usage under Windows):
# $ArchiverCommand = '"c:\program files\winrar\rar.exe" a -df -inul -ep -y "%a%" "%f%"';
# for example (gzip on *nix):
# $ArchiverCommand = 'gzip -9 -q -f "%f%"' or 'gzip -9 -q -f -c "%f%" > "%a%"';
$ArchiverCommand = 'NOT_DETECTED';

I have tried to find any "exe" in the xampp package that does this
compression, but it looks like it's done via some dll's somehow ???

This is how the working config file look like on my linux host:

$ArchiverCommand = 'gzip -9 -q -f "%f%"';
$DeArchiverCommand = 'gunzip -q -f "%a%"';
$ArchiveExt = 'gz';

Could someone suggest how to make this work PLEASE.
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Joined: 14. March 2005 09:33

Postby Wiedmann » 16. March 2005 08:47

# for example (gzip on *nix):
# $ArchiverCommand = 'gzip -9 -q -f "%f%"' or 'gzip -9 -q -f -c "%f%" > "%a%"';

GZip ist part of your *nix. Windows or XAMPP have no GZip-binary inside.

# for example (WinRAR usage under Windows):
# $ArchiverCommand = '"c:\program files\winrar\rar.exe" a -df -inul -ep -y "%a%" "%f%"';

You can use every Windows archiver with this script. Just install them und configure it in the script. IMHO there is a "gzip.exe" from the GNUWin32 Project also.
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Postby dobbelina » 16. March 2005 09:52

Thanks for the info.
I downloaded that gzip.exe cause it's the compression utility i wanna use.
Could you give me some tips what "switches" i have to have for making
this to work ?
I mean the stuff that comes after the path.
Code: Select all
# $ArchiverCommand = '"c:\program files\gzip\gzip.exe" a -df -inul -ep -y "%a%" "%f%"';

Also should i install this utility with it's installer, or can i simply copy
the files from the zipped version to some folder on my comp and
only edit the path in the script to point to it ?
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Joined: 14. March 2005 09:33

Postby dobbelina » 17. March 2005 07:05

Ok, i got it to work.
I installed gzip with it's installer and used the same switches as on nix*.
Works perfect :D
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Joined: 14. March 2005 09:33

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