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PostPosted: 19. February 2005 00:39
by bst82551
for some reason, when i click on webalizer on the xampp administration page, it simply seems to reject the webalizer.php file and redirect me to the webalizer folder. Why is this happening? I've messed around with the httpd.conf file for apache and i've changed the password for the mysql root. I never actually touched any of the webalizer part of the httpd.conf file. What could be causing this?


PostPosted: 12. March 2005 12:43
by prathapml
I have noticed this happen too!
No matter what I did, it would still just show a directory listing....

Then I RAR-ed up the entire xampp folder, deleted original folder where I had it installed, then extracted elsewhere, and started apache. Magically, webalizer started working fine again.