Easy XAMMP question

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Re: Easy XAMMP question

Postby Wiedmann » 06. July 2009 18:08

and the XAMPP icon is only for the Control Panel, not Apache or MySQL?

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Re: Easy XAMMP question

Postby twidlar » 07. July 2009 04:51

1. I just got an account at no-ip.com. This give me the ability to have a fake static IP address so I can host a small website on XAMPP on GISKARD. I know I have to tighten security as the XAMPP manual says. The site won't do much but I need to have a small one separate from my other site.
2. Whenever GISKARD boots, it will send its new IP to no-ip.com and no-ip will redirect references to my xxxx.sytes.net to GISKARD. (Router port 80 already fowarded to GISKARD
3. I want http://xxxx.sytes.net ===> K:\usr\web\xxxx . (No references to sytes.net will occur) (Eventual around 20 xxxx subdomains).
4. Googling I found I need to tell Apache something like the following

Port 80
ServerName server.sytes.net
NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot K:/usr/web
ServerName http://www.sytes.net

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /usr/web/xxxx
ServerName http://www.xxxx.sytes.net

5. In which file does this go. What mistakes have I made? I need one VirtualHost entry for each subdomain, right?
Posts: 14
Joined: 05. July 2009 00:28
XAMPP version: 5.5.30
Operating System: Win 10 Enterprise

Re: Easy XAMMP question

Postby twidlar » 08. July 2009 00:50

I'm still awaiting a comment on whether my understanding on how to setup up the XAMPP website in Apache is correct.

Meanwhile, I uninstalled C:\xampp and tried to install XAMPP as K:\web (K: is an external 160GB USB drive with nothing else on it). It seem to install OK but http://localhost on GISKARD and http://giskard on GORT both gave Error 403 "Forbidden".

I look at the Properties of K:\web, it was marked ReadOnly. I removed that, still 403. So I uninsatlled that and reinstalled C:\xampp.

Did we do something wrong?
Posts: 14
Joined: 05. July 2009 00:28
XAMPP version: 5.5.30
Operating System: Win 10 Enterprise


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