How to delete services

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

How to delete services

Postby rockstar » 22. January 2007 07:21

Hello to all. I had XAMPP installed and removed a few times-- different versions. As it stands now I just uninstalled the latest version.It was not working right[mostly mysql and could not start filezilla] I Have 3 entry's in the services directory I want to get rid of Ithink they are causing or will cause problems with next installation.asap Even if they are not I want to get rid of them before I install xampp again

first off there is no xampp folder to go into and delete stuff. Was removed during uninstall via software suppleid uninstaller

all of these entries point to no where and cannot be started.when I try to start one up pops a window saying it cannot be found. It is just an entry in the registry that was not removed i think. I do not know. I can't see any way to delete in the services directory...

1] FileZilla Server FTP server

C:/Program Files/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqld.exe

3]XAMPP Service
XAMPP Control Panel Version 2.3 (17. May, 2006)

I have looked around on how to get rid of them .. ran crap cleaner, regseeker and tune-up utilities after I uninstalled and none found it.

I see it in the registry is it ok to delete it from there---if that is how you get rid of them I mean. Just right click and delete.

got to go to bed now. Late here in NY...

Thanks for any help....
Posts: 2
Joined: 22. January 2007 06:19

Postby rockstar » 22. January 2007 18:25

Fixed problem,if it even was a problem, myself.

Thanks... I guess?
Posts: 2
Joined: 22. January 2007 06:19

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