Server error

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Server error

Postby ckarnuth » 02. September 2006 06:12

I have searched the forum however, didn't see anything that would deal with this. I am getting a server error when i try to admin Xampp. It is only affecting Xampp. I can get to my webpage that Xampp, is hosting with no problem. The files in the HTDocs appear, but i can't administer Xampp. Here is the actual error that i am getting
"The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script."

it says that it is error 500. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall and still have the same error. I have checked and all services that I am using are running. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby Izzy » 02. September 2006 06:39

When you have a server error like a 500 it pays to examine your error or access logs as they usually contain more of a clue than that returned by a browser.

Paste any errors that you are not sure about and we can take a look see.
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Postby ckarnuth » 02. September 2006 15:17

I have about 40 errors from yesterday alone. obviously to many to post in forum. from looking at the logs, it says that the path is invalid, and files don't exist. Howeer when I looked in the apache file, the files that it says don't exist are there.
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Postby Izzy » 02. September 2006 22:58

ckarnuth wrote:I have about 40 errors from yesterday alone. obviously to many to post in forum. from looking at the logs, it says that the path is invalid, and files don't exist. Howeer when I looked in the apache file, the files that it says don't exist are there.
Not much for me to go on here except double check that your paths are correct which according to your reply they are not.

Run setup_xampp.bat might fix some of them.

In your error log it will tell you which paths associated with which files are incorrect. Go and find where Apache uses those paths/files and correct the error.

The files are all there but the paths to them are not acceptable to Apache. They need fixing.

Without an actual error message to work with I can only guess. You don't have to paste all of them just paste one or two.

You can note the last date of an error then create the error again by going to your site. Then check the errors for that last visit date and paste them here.
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Postby ckarnuth » 04. September 2006 02:32

I ran setup Xampp.bat and it said that there is nothing to do.
This is the error that i just received, after reading your post.
** [Sun Sep 03 21:26:30 2006] [alert] [client] C:/Xampp/xampp/htdocs/xampp/.htaccess: Invalid file path C:\\XamppC:\\Xampp\\xampp\\security\\xampp.users**

I looked in the directories that are specified above, and both of the files that it is saying are not there, are.

The thing that baffles me is:
Invalid file path C:\\XamppC:\\Xampp\\xampp\\security\\xampp.users

Don't think that it should be C:\\XamppC:\\Xampp.

It should only be C:\\Xampp, how can I fix this?
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Postby Izzy » 04. September 2006 02:41

This is the .htaccess file on my server:
Code: Select all
AuthName "xampp user"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "C:\xampp\xampp\security\xampp.users"
require valid-user

Drag the .htaccess file into your fav. text editor and change the section to look something like the above. Then click on File - SaveAs - .htaccess back to the same location you dragged it from, overwriting the faulty one.
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Postby ckarnuth » 04. September 2006 02:50

Thank you, that worked. i am able to login to the Xampp admin now. DO you know why that would have happened in the first place?
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Postby ckarnuth » 04. September 2006 02:51

since you use Xampp, do you know how to use everything else that comes with Xampp?
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Postby Izzy » 04. September 2006 03:01

ckarnuth wrote:Thank you, that worked. i am able to login to the Xampp admin now. DO you know why that would have happened in the first place?

No idea. Things happen just like the mysterious happenings with the Windows OS.
ckarnuth wrote:since you use Xampp, do you know how to use everything else that comes with Xampp?

What "everything else that comes with Xampp" are you not sure about how to use?
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Postby ckarnuth » 04. September 2006 16:40

filezilla, i am able to use it however, in the shared folder, i have several drives shared and am only able to see the home directory, it will not allow me to see anything else.
Example, when i log in as administrator, i have 5 hard drives listed in the directories for that user, however, i am only able to see the one that is listed as the home directory.

Also, i need help configuring mercury mail, i have never used it before.
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Postby Izzy » 04. September 2006 19:29

ckarnuth wrote:filezilla, i am able to use it however, in the shared folder, i have several drives shared and am only able to see the home directory, it will not allow me to see anything else.
Example, when i log in as administrator, i have 5 hard drives listed in the directories for that user, however, i am only able to see the one that is listed as the home directory.

Right click in the Shared folders window to see the context menu.
click on Edit aliases.
enter /aliasname next to the Directory that requires an alias.
Code: Select all
Directories      Aliases
H C:\     
D:\Files         /Files
E:\Uploads       /Uploads
F:\              /Music
G:\              /Videos

More help:

ckarnuth wrote:Also, i need help configuring mercury mail, i have never used it before.

Click on xampp/MercuryMail/mercury.hlp
Click on Admin... in the XAMPP Control Panel then click on the Help menu.

Also these forum threads might help.
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Postby ckarnuth » 05. September 2006 17:43

Thank you Izzy, you have been a great help.
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Location: akron, Ohio

Postby ckarnuth » 09. September 2006 15:36

OK, this may be a stupid question or one that requires no thought on anyone elses part.
The question that I have is:
Is there a way to make my web page go directly to my index page instead of having to actually specify index.

If you go to my website
you get the Xampp login box

However if you go to
you go directly to my website

So can i make xampp send me directly to my webpage by just typing in my url ??
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Postby Izzy » 09. September 2006 23:10

ckarnuth wrote:OK, this may be a stupid question or one that requires no thought on anyone elses part.
The question that I have is:
Is there a way to make my web page go directly to my index page instead of having to actually specify index.

If you go to my website
you get the Xampp login box

However if you go to
you go directly to my website

So can i make xampp send me directly to my webpage by just typing in my url ??

In your xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf file find this:
Code: Select all
<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.php4 index.php3 index.cgi index.html index.htm index.shtml index.phtml

and change it to:
Code: Select all
<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.php4 index.php3 index.cgi  index.htm index.shtml index.phtml

Then restart Apache - don't forget to back up the httpd.conf file before making any changes so you can quickly revert if you make any mistakes.

This directive uses the list in the order that it finds them within a directory.

So if it finds an index.php in a diectory it loads that first if not it will look for the next in the list index.php4 and so on.

In your case it finds the index.php before your index.html. Changing the order to put the index.html first should fix your issue.

Just as a matter of interest, this should have been posted as a new topic so that any one else looking for this issue would find it much easier with a fresh forum topic. Only a minor issue. ;)
Good luck.

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