xampp running ok - until I add add-ons

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp running ok - until I add add-ons

Postby johnmi » 20. June 2006 12:56

I have been running xampplite for a while. I am trying to add phpGedView for my internal network. This worked ok but the old pc I was using was too slow. I decided to install on a faster pc.

To do this I downloaded the latest version of xampp (1.5.3a) and add-ons (Perl 5.8.7-2.2.2 and tomcat 5.5.17).

I installed xampp(not xampplite) which ran 'right out of the box!'. No problems. Then I installed Perl and tomcat. Ran the xampp-setup for each. When I tried to start apache etc, I hit trouble. mySQL and Filezilla started but Apache failed with an error in tomcat conf.

I uninstalled and reinstalled with perl only. failed again, this time missing MSVCR71.dll. searched in xampp zip files to see if it was there - no and not in perl zip file.

Any ideas?
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Joined: 20. June 2006 12:38

Postby WorldDrknss » 22. June 2006 08:41

Do a google search for this file: MSVCR71.dll and place it in C:\WINDOWS\System32
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XAMPP running ok - until I add add-ons

Postby johnmi » 23. June 2006 15:59

Thanks. I've downloaded it and will try again.
Posts: 11
Joined: 20. June 2006 12:38

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