what happening with 1.5.2 ?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

what happening with 1.5.2 ?

Postby Killerfrog » 18. March 2006 07:19


I just wonder what is happening with 1.5.2 since there is at least 2 months who have passed from 1.5.1. There was a beta, then it went gone !!

I really like Xampp and I'm really aware about the eaccelerator that will support PHP 5.

Hope next version will come really soon !!
Continue your great job XAMPP team, there is a lot of people behind the scene that really appreciate what you do !
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Postby Killerfrog » 24. March 2006 07:16

so, is there anybody who has an answer to this question?
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Joined: 18. December 2004 21:16

Postby DomZ » 24. March 2006 08:24

Yes this question is important also for me !

Please give us some news about 1.5.2.
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Joined: 11. March 2006 11:17

Postby DomZ » 24. March 2006 09:40

Killerfrog : I have compil eAccelerator for PHP 5.1.1.

Tell me if you want the dll.
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Joined: 11. March 2006 11:17

Postby valval » 24. March 2006 17:46

I want the dll. Please attach a link here so we can all have it :)
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Postby Killerfrog » 25. March 2006 03:22

would be very nice!

I've sended you a private msg on the forum for giving my email adress.

thx a lot
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Joined: 18. December 2004 21:16

Postby Killerfrog » 26. March 2006 01:46

After contacting DomZ, he accepted I post the .dll he has compiled.

So here it is. As soon 1.5.2 will be realease, I will remove the file from my server.

Quick stepts to install :

1 : download and put the file in \php\ext\
2 : open apache\bin\php.ini

Modify it to look like this :

Code: Select all
eaccelerator.shm_size = "0"
eaccelerator.cache_dir = "C:\apachefriends\xampp\tmp"
eaccelerator.enable = "1"
eaccelerator.optimizer = "1"
;eaccelerator.debug = "0"
;eaccelerator.check_mtime = "1"
;eaccelerator.filter = ""
;eaccelerator.shm_max = "0"
;eaccelerator.shm_ttl = "0"
;eaccelerator.shm_prune_period = "0"
;eaccelerator.shm_only = "0"
eaccelerator.compress = "1"
eaccelerator.compress_level = "9"
eaccelerator.keys = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.sessions = "shm_and_disk"
eaccelerator.content = "shm_and_disk"
;eaccelerator.admin.name =
;eaccelerator.admin.password =

It's hard to tell for me if this is the best config to get the fastest speed, but it works great.
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Joined: 18. December 2004 21:16

Postby Killerfrog » 09. April 2006 18:27

Is XAMPP discontinued or is there a new version coming?

I've looked at the beta page and last version is older than 1 month.

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Joined: 18. December 2004 21:16

Postby WorldDrknss » 10. April 2006 02:38

"Due to unresolved problems we temporary removed the Windows beta version from this section. We try to provide a new version as soon as possible to continue the beta test."

XAMPP isnt dead and its important to be patient with the developers because they work very hard to bring you xampp.
http://wdguides.org - XAMPP Tutorials & MORE!!!!
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Postby Killerfrog » 10. April 2006 02:39

great news !
Posts: 75
Joined: 18. December 2004 21:16

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