Xampp on Windows ME

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp on Windows ME

Postby benj » 30. January 2006 02:49

Is there any way to get Xampp to work on Windows ME? It seems like it will work on just about any other Windows os...

I installed it, and all of the components seemed to work, but then I got a message saying the os wasn't compatible for one of the components.

Is there a way to get around this, or is it just plain impossible?
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Postby tjthedj » 30. January 2006 03:31

hey if it's not going to work all i can suggest is 2 either up grade or downgrade, sorry dude, i had a friend that had the same problem, i ended up just burning him a copy of my windows xp pro
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Postby soar747 » 30. January 2006 04:49

works for me, I use Windows Me and I'm using it.

Although there is a problem with the security page.
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Postby WorldDrknss » 30. January 2006 05:23

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Postby KingCrunch » 30. January 2006 09:05

It should work unter ME. Try and report here, if you get any problems ;)
Nicht jeder Fehler ist ein Bug ...
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Postby benj » 02. February 2006 19:37

Well, I'll keep trying.

For some reason, a lot of the wamp packages out there are not compatible with ME. wamp5 (http://www.en.wampserver.com/) doesn't work.

I'll keep looking.
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Still not working in Windows ME

Postby benj » 03. February 2006 15:25

Xampp installs successfully. However, http://localhost/ takes forever to load and eventually comes up with a this-page could not be displayed.

Also, what is more troubling is that clicking "Configure" for MySQL from the Xampp control panel loads the MySQL program, which then just dies - "... has caused an error..." After this you can't end the MySQL process or even shut down the computer. You're left with a frozen DOS box that won't go away. (Although it might be ME's fault that you can't just end this process).

Even if MySQL doesn't work at all, it seems like I should have been able to get the localhost to show. Windows ME doesn't have a built in firewall, does it? I checked my IE settings and it should have allowed local sites.
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