Apache 2 not responding

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Apache 2 not responding

Postby ratson » 19. January 2006 13:56

Hi there!

I've got some strange errors with apache2: first I've installed WAMP on my system (containing Apache 2.0.55) and MySQL just works fine, but apache cant answer to any queries. Apache service is up and running, no problems with it, port tests are showing apache.exe is listening on port 80 httpd.conf should be set properly, but when i am trying to reach localhost it does nothing, just waiting for answer... (acces.log remains empty, error.log contains no errors, no other errormessages) I removed WAMP, cleaned all the apache, wamp and other services and registry entries, then tried other packages with Apache2 (easyphp, appserv, ...) the problem still remained. I've tried to install WAMP to an other computer and it just worked fine on that. I ve all my firewalls turned off, have no internet connection on that computer so no skype, nor trilian an so on...(that would block port 80). After a few hours i just looked for my old EasyPHP 1.7 wich contains Apache 1 and it worked at once. So: Apache 1 is working fine, everything is all right, but i cannot get apache2 to work on this computer. Last day I've tried Apache 2.2 (with newest XAMPP release) the problem is still present.

I need php5 and apache2. do you have any idea what the cause can be? If you need any further informations about my config or somethin else i can give them... (I have WinXP SP2) I am totally disappointed... :(

thanks in advance

Posts: 2
Joined: 19. January 2006 13:52


Postby ratson » 23. January 2006 14:21

If you encounter problems running Apache 2 under Windows, such as corrupted or incomplete file downloads, unexplained error messages, or a conflict with a software firewall, please place the following directives in httpd.conf to see if they eliminate the issue:

EnableSendfile Off
EnableMMAP Off

The general problem is that many people install various add-ons to windows (such as software firewalls, virus checkers, etc) that break some of the advanced functionality that Apache uses to speed the sending of files. The above directives turn off the advanced functionality and make Apache fall back to more basic (but slower) techniques.
Posts: 2
Joined: 19. January 2006 13:52

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