Phpbb plus

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Phpbb plus

Postby Pietervp » 06. May 2005 10:05


i have installed xampp-win32-1.4.13 7zip SFX - Igor Pavlov succesfuly,
than i have switched to php 4 so my phpbb forum would work...
i start apache and mysql
then i type in the explorer: http://localhost and i see a the main page of xampp
then i go to phpmyadmin and i make a new db (e.g.: forum)
i install my forum:
dbserver: localhost
db name: forum
db username: root
db password: /
admin emailadress:
domain name: localhost
server port: 80
script pad: /forum/
admin username: myusername
admin password: *****
confirm admin password: *****

then i push the start install button
i click on the finish installation, and then it goes wrong...:
he doesnt stop "connecting to localhost"...
i use firefox, but i tried it also on explorer

what should i do, or not do...
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Joined: 06. May 2005 09:47

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