Silent install for XAMPP 8.2.0

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Silent install for XAMPP 8.2.0

Postby Delphis1982 » 15. March 2023 16:22


please tell me, if there is a solution for this, as I didn't find any with the search function.

I'm trying to install XAMPP via CMD on a fresh installed computer with Windows 10 (german).
Autoattended install is a fine thing, vc_redist and the ODBC driver works fine.
VC_Reist is installed by this code:
Code: Select all
VC64 /install /quiet /norestart
The command prompt appears only, when the setup finished.
OK, after finished setup the batch goes to the next line:
Code: Select all
Again, the prompt appears only AFTER finished setup.
And now the last line:
Code: Select all
XAMPP.exe --mode unattended --installer-language de --enable-components xampp_mysql,xampp_filezilla,xampp_phpmyadmin --disable-components xampp_webalizer,xampp_sendmail,xampp_perl,xampp_tomcat,xampp_mercury
This time the prompt appears immediately while the setup continues in the background and takes about 2 minutes to finish, sometimes 3 minutes.
But the batch now goes further, even the install is not finished yet.
And that's a big problem, because after setup I need to replace some config-files ans THEN start the control panel to test the apps.

Now... is there an option or switch, tht make the installer to wait until the setup finished completely (with or withour errors).
The batch has to continue ONLY after a setup finishes completely.
I tried this one too:
Code: Select all
start /WAIT XAMPP.exe --mode unattended --installer-language de --enable-components xampp_mysql,xampp_filezilla,xampp_phpmyadmin --disable-components xampp_webalizer,xampp_sendmail,xampp_perl,xampp_tomcat,xampp_mercury
It doesn't change anything, the setup exits and continue in the background, while the batch goes to the next line... far far to early.
I have to use
timeout /nobreak /t 180 2>NUL >NUL
to make the batch wait.
But that's not a clean setup, it's kind of "dirty" because it's a static waittime.
I have to wait 3 minutes to continue, regardess if the setup would finish after 1 minute.
Is there nothing I could do, to make the batch wait for the setup to exit, before continuing?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 3
Joined: 15. March 2023 16:06
XAMPP version: 8.2.0
Operating System: Windows Server 2016 + Windows

Re: Silent install for XAMPP 8.2.0

Postby Delphis1982 » 17. March 2023 09:49

XAMPP doesn't have a really reliable behavior, regarding the installation process (only the installer, the software itself works very fine).
I figured out, that the really long setup file (xampp-windows-blablabla-blablabla-versionnumber-over-versionnumber-blablabla.exe)
remains in the process list visible in the task manager even while it let the command prompt reappear again, despite the setup is still not finished.
So I built a loop that uses the TASKLIST and FIND command to search for that process.
If it finds the exe, then it restarts the loop again. It's a simple two-liner.
Code: Select all
TASKLIST | FIND /I "xampp-setup.exe"   2>NUL >NUL && if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto CHECK

It doesn't need more.
I make it simple for me and rename the installer to a shorter name like XAMPP-SETUP.EXE
Posts: 3
Joined: 15. March 2023 16:06
XAMPP version: 8.2.0
Operating System: Windows Server 2016 + Windows

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