XAMPP Repair of Mysql but Now Local Host won't Open

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XAMPP Repair of Mysql but Now Local Host won't Open

Postby DDFHS » 13. September 2022 11:44

I have followed instructions to repair Xampp mysql not opening due to the following error:
Status change detected: stopped
11:12:59 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
11:12:59 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
11:12:59 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
11:12:59 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
11:12:59 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
11:12:59 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this
11:12:59 [mysql] entire log window on the forums

by copying the backup files in the backup>mysql folder into the mysql>data folder. MySql now restarts in Xampp, but I am now getting my local host wanting to install WordPress when it is already there, and the link to my localhost development site is now showing http://localhost/site/wp-admin/install.php!!
I am relatively new to WordPress and php and MySql are a bit of a mystery to me.
I have tried using the repair function and this shows a list of errors for example - wp_users: Table 'ddfhs.wp_users' doesn't exist in engine
Any advice as to how to relink my dev site to WordPress to phpadmin etc would be gratefully received.
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XAMPP version: 3.3.0
Operating System: Windows 11 home

Re: XAMPP Repair of Mysql but Now Local Host won't Open

Postby noidea » 20. December 2022 22:36

Same problem, so following for an answer......
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XAMPP version: 3.3.0
Operating System: Windows 11 Home

Re: XAMPP Repair of Mysql but Now Local Host won't Open

Postby Froosh » 21. December 2022 14:31

You do not indicate what instructions you followed, and there are many, and those may not specifically apply to your original error. You did make your own copy/backup of the mysql databases before attempting recovery, correct? The mysql backup folder is just the main database, and does not include any databases you have added through WordPress or any other means.

If you copied the contents of the mysql backup folder over the existing files, then at least your databases should still be present. I suspect you will have to add the database user/password and grant appropriate access to your databases via phpMyAdmin or using mysql from the console.
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Re: XAMPP Repair of Mysql but Now Local Host won't Open

Postby Nobbie » 22. December 2022 11:52

Froosh wrote:If you copied the contents of the mysql backup folder over the existing files, then at least your databases should still be present.

No, its probably lost. INNODB puts all databases and data into one big file (i.e. ibdata or similar) and does not keep databases in separate folders like MYISAM did. If you overwrite ibdata with an uncomplete version (which does not hold the WordPress database) its lost.
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Re: XAMPP Repair of Mysql but Now Local Host won't Open

Postby Froosh » 22. December 2022 15:22

Thanks for correcting me, Nobbie. I've never relied on restoring the backup files that way, and was under the mistaken impression that the files for any databases I created were separate, other than perhaps users and such. Much appreciate the added knowledge!
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XAMPP version: 8.2.0
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Re: XAMPP Repair of Mysql but Now Local Host won't Open

Postby Nobbie » 22. December 2022 23:16

Froosh wrote:and was under the mistaken impression that the files for any databases I created were separate,

Of course, thats how it worked many many years, when MySQL was delivered with MyISAM per default. I dont know who or what decided to switch over to INNODB, but this a really nasty side effect. You cannot restore or keep databases simply by copying or holding the corresponding folders.
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