OpenSSL searches for libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll when it h

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OpenSSL searches for libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll when it h

Postby liubomirwm » 13. January 2019 14:02

Since version 1.1.x OpenSSL releases use libcrypto-1_1-x64.dl and libssl-1_1.dll dlls instead of libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll .For some reason OpenSSL continues to search for these two dlls and breaks with an error for missing them, although it has the libcrypto and libssl dlls.

A little background - i have a local development wordpress installation, and a plugin throws this exception:

I use XAMPP with PHP 7.2.9 and OpenSSL 1.1.0i. When i go to directory C:\xampp\apache\bin and run the command below all is ok:

This is the certificate that is server by the server. However, if i go into C:\xampp\php\extras\openssl i get this error:
What makes me worry is the date of modification of the openssl.exe binary - 16th of April 2012. Maybe Apache has version 1.1.0i, but PHP has an older version? I do not know, XAMPP says that this version is released with OpenSSL 1.1.0i and if i open XAMPP's phpinfo page it says that the loaded module is OpenSSL 1.1.0i. However, they do update XAMPP regularly with new versions of openssl.

It should not be using an old binary, what do you think? I have also opened an issue on OpenSSL's GitHub:

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Posts: 1
Joined: 13. January 2019 13:46
XAMPP version: 7.2.9
Operating System: Windows 10

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