RESOLVING Some of XAMP + phpmyadmin & Mysql problem I got

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RESOLVING Some of XAMP + phpmyadmin & Mysql problem I got

Postby Xampyman » 22. April 2018 17:52

Hi, I finally found an way out for my Xamp installing problems, that I want to share.
Yesterday trying hard to use XAMP. I tried lot of "resolved answer" but none of them worked for me.

Some of problems I got at installing:

-No connexion can't be established, the target machine refused it
-Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed
-Xamp can't start apach on user port
-xamp mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002)
-Apache shutdown unexpectedly

My Solution:

1-Lanching my antivirus as administrator
*IN FIREWALL TAB: Add new rules(adding Xamp as authorized programms)

2-In XAMPP Control panel: (it's like this problem occured when already having a program that use same configuration : Like WAMPSERVER)
**Part I **
*click on config -> Service and port Settings
*In Apach tab Set [port to 8081] and [SSL Port to 4433]
*In Mysql Tab Set Main [Port to 3308]
*click Save (from "Service and port" BOX) Then Save (from Configuration of Control Panel Box)

**Part II** (Always in XAMP Controle Dialog)

*Click on the config button(between Admin and Logs which is on the same line as the Module Apache), and choose httpd.conf
*Editing theses lines (ONLY in Apache\conf\httpd.conf)
#Listen XX.XX.XX.XX:80 ===>XX.XX.XX.XX:8081
Listen 80 ===> Listen 8081
ServerName localhost:80 ===>ServerName localhost:8081

*++NOT HAVE TO edit xampp\phpMyAdmin\* (keeping it like they are; even the pma empty password)
*++NOR apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf* ON LINE : Listen 443 TO 4433 (like in Part I) May be you should, It work for me without.++*

3-In XAMPP Control Panel
*stop Apache
*stop Mysql
*start Apache
*Start Mysql

4- Finally Check By clicking Admin Button ON MYSQL's Lines in the XAMPP Control Panel

Hope this could help somebody.
Posts: 1
Joined: 22. April 2018 16:37
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 8.1

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