Unable to get relay to work?

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Unable to get relay to work?

Postby HalBert42 » 08. December 2017 01:27

I have xampp/Mercury Mail. php script mail works from localhost to external email address. Test mail from Mercury works from control panel, after changing postmaster@ localhost to postmaster@localhost.com. Mercury Mail SMTP and pop3 are listening to domain.com . I sent an external email to external email mylist@doman.com . There are four member addresses on mylist. I monitor the Mercury control panel. And, I see the pop3 client pickup the mail (mylist@domain.com). I see no other action on any of the tiled windows. I monitor all three of the member address(they are all test addresses I own) . When the pop3 client picks up the mail, it deletes it from the server. Which should be alright? How can the SMTP Client(Mercury) retrieve the email from the pop3 server(Mercury). If that would happen, SMTP Client would probably send the mail to the four external addresses? I believe, one of my test emails has made it to one of the external addresses?
Posts: 4
Joined: 08. December 2017 00:50
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Unable to get relay to work?

Postby Nobbie » 08. December 2017 12:00

HalBert42 wrote:When the pop3 client picks up the mail, it deletes it from the server. Which should be alright?

Yes. Mercury POP3 Client is somehow equivalent to Thunderbird Email Client - its used for picking up Emails from a POP3 server (in your case there is a POP3 server at domain.com).

HalBert42 wrote:How can the SMTP Client(Mercury) retrieve the email from the pop3 server(Mercury).

It cannot. The SMTP Relay(!) Client (there is no "SMTP Client", its a Relay Client) acts like a local SMTP server, it listens on Port 25 and gets the email from a local sendmail program and "relays" it to a public SMTP Server (like GMX or GMAIL etc.), which finally sends it to the email address. The Relay Client cannot pick up mails from a POP3 server.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Unable to get relay to work?

Postby HalBert42 » 09. December 2017 06:04

Well, I found my problem:
The message from the pop3 client. It retrieves the mesage, and then deletes it because it is from a non-local address???
- 1 message successfully retrieved.
- 1 non-local message ignored.

That was my sole purpose for trying Mercury. I want to relay messages from my list members to my list members. All external users.
Would someone tell me if I can do this with Mercury? If so, please tell me what I need to do.

Thank you.
Posts: 4
Joined: 08. December 2017 00:50
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Unable to get relay to work?

Postby Nobbie » 09. December 2017 11:43

I dont understand the whole purpose, but anyway, i dont think that you can achieve this automatically with Mercury. Mercury is only an Email Server software. It does not deliver Emails "automatically".
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Unable to get relay to work?

Postby HalBert42 » 17. December 2017 23:47

Mercury Mail is relaying just as I'd hoped it would. I have MyDomain.com on an external shared server. I have two email list with addresses list1 @MyDomain.com and list2@MyDomain.com. Mercury Mail polls both addresses on MyDomail.com. If an email is sent to either addresses, Mercury pop3 client picks up the email and brings it into the localhost. The control module compares the from address to the appropriate list. If the address is not on the list, the email is dropped. If the address is on the list, the control module assigns a job order. And on it's next poll, the SMTP server delivers the email to the SMTP server at MyDomain.com for external delivery.
My next problem was keeping a copy of the email as archive. As has been discussed on this and other forums, pop3 deletes the message from the external email host when it picks it up. At first, I have hoped I could deliver a copy at a localhost address. I could not figure how to so that. Anyone have an answer, please let me know. As it is, I made an address. MyArchive@MyDomain.com and just added it to the list. Every email is now sent to that address as my archive.
Posts: 4
Joined: 08. December 2017 00:50
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 10

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