Unable to update my WP theme on xampp. Please help!

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Unable to update my WP theme on xampp. Please help!

Postby sondaromas » 30. June 2017 11:34

Hi there!
I can´t update my WP Theme on localhost using xampp. I did update Woocommerce and all plugins without trouble, but after that, I keep getting a message: "Your theme (Child) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme." The author of the theme says that updating the theme will fix the issue, but there is no way I can find to update the theme to the new version and I'm getting really desperate. The theme is a premium theme rated 5 stars (The Retailer). Every time I try to update the theme WP goes under maintenance mode for ages until I refresh. I've read around that it could be due to users privileges...Any idea? Thanks...really.
Posts: 2
Joined: 30. June 2017 11:18
XAMPP version: v.3.2.2
Operating System: windows 7

Re: Unable to update my WP theme on xampp. Please help!

Postby Nobbie » 30. June 2017 16:10

I cannot see any relation to Xampp. This is not an issue for this forum. "Xampp for Windows" is not related to WordPress neither any theme. You should ask in appropriate forums instead. I dont know anything about Woocommerce, never heard before.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Unable to update my WP theme on xampp. Please help!

Postby sondaromas » 30. June 2017 17:39

I'm sorry if I posted to the wrong forum. I just thought that if I'm using Xampp as a local server to develop my site and I have troubles in this matter, I would be able to find some help here. I will appreciate if you can tell me if there is any right forum on the Xampp community for this post or if I'm totally in the wrong direction. If that is the case, I will leave as quickly as I came. Thanks again
Posts: 2
Joined: 30. June 2017 11:18
XAMPP version: v.3.2.2
Operating System: windows 7

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