smtp config

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smtp config

Postby mitraa » 17. June 2016 09:56

well I'm a new xampp user and I want to work with papercut [] but I don't know how should I config My xampp to work with it
so how should I config my xampp files?
Posts: 1
Joined: 17. June 2016 09:47
XAMPP version: 3.2.1
Operating System: windows

Re: smtp config

Postby Nobbie » 17. June 2016 12:09

There is only one file to configure, it is php.ini. You have to apply an SMTP Server in php.ini. Edit php.ini and look for "SMTP", there should be a line like:

Code: Select all

and also a line like

Code: Select all

If there are already such lines, you are already done. If there is a semicolon in front of the lines, remove the semicolons and then restart Apache. If there are non such lines, insert them (but they should be there). BUT: these are default values for any SMTP Server, there is no documentation in Papercut, if it uses this SMTP Server localhost and Port 25. Maybe it does so, but you should know that exactly, as you may also use Papercut without Xampp, you can also simply use your Email client (Thunderbird?, Outlook?) and configure an account to use this SMTP server.

The php.ini file from Xampp is for PHP only and for the PHP mail()-function only. That is the only way of using Papercut from Xampp. There are many tools (like WordPress), which do not use PHP mail()-function, they have their own mail functionality. In that case you have to configure these tools seperately to use localhost and Port 25 for Emails. This is NOT part of Xampp, this is usually an entry in the Admin Panel. It depends on the tool.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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