[SOLVED] OpenCart SEO URL Rewrite - OC XAMPP 5.6.3

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[SOLVED] OpenCart SEO URL Rewrite - OC XAMPP 5.6.3

Postby antonk9000 » 27. March 2015 18:58

By default, OpenCart uses URL's like http://localhost/OpenCart/index.php?route=product/category&path=59

However, there's an option of "SEO-Friendly URL's" in the admin panel, which changes it to the content of the "SEO-Friendly URL" field in the category entry, i.e. http://localhost/OpenCart/Some-Product-Category

This requires changing htaccess.txt file in the root folder of OpenCart to .htaccess, which I did.
Also, made sure RewriteEngine On is included in .htaccess.
Also, made sure mod_rewrite is enabled in in XAMPP->apache->httpd-conf file.

However, when I click on any category link, it throws me right back to the localhost/xampp/ page.

What am I missing?
Last edited by antonk9000 on 27. March 2015 19:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 27. March 2015 18:43
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

Re: OpenCart SEO URL Rewrite Issue - OC on XAMPP 5.6

Postby antonk9000 » 27. March 2015 19:10

...and of course, I (finally!) solved it 5 minutes after posting the question...

In addition to all the steps above, the following change is required in .htaccess:

Code: Select all
RewriteBase /

Code: Select all
RewriteBase /OpenCart/
(or whatever folder under /htdocs/ you've installed OpenCart into).

Once of those "obvious after a 2nd cup of coffee" things...

P.S. I'm sure this will also work for similar situations with PrestaShop, CubeCart, Magento, and other platforms that use .htaccess for SEO-friendly URL rewriting.
Posts: 3
Joined: 27. March 2015 18:43
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

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