Does Google's PHP App Engine Play Well with XAMPP

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Does Google's PHP App Engine Play Well with XAMPP

Postby catalyx » 30. November 2013 08:47

I've recently started using Google App Engine (GAE) to deploy a PHP (WordPress) site. I was using XAMPP to test sites locally before deployment without a hitch before installing GAE.

Since installing GAE, it seems that it requires its console app ( to stay connected to the server while the local site is managed. Ending the connection results in any localhost page displaying in Firefox:

The connection was reset

Yet, keeping GAE's console connection alive results in pages being served very slowly with timeouts being common. Having read that using localhost as host can have performance issues with MySQL, I've tried commenting and uncommenting each the WinXP hosts file's mappings and the my.php file's parameters, respectively:

Code: Select all       localhost

Code: Select all

The local server's speeds are still "slow" and "stop".

Another user on this forum reported similar XAMPP-GAE performance problems, which turned out to be due to malware. The forum exchange here:

Can anyone confirm whether Google's PHP App Engine works with with any XAMPP versions (I'm using v.1.8.2) and, if so, how to troubleshoot (1) operating local sites outside of GAE and / or (2) improving the page serve speed?

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Re: Does Google's PHP App Engine Play Well with XAMPP

Postby Nobbie » 30. November 2013 12:24

You should ask this to the Google Development team, Xampp is not a product like Google App Engine, Xampp is only a distribution / collection of standard server software like Apache, MySQL, PHP etc. There is nothing "special" with Xampp (the goal of Xampp is an easy installation prodedure), these are normal Apache Releases, MySQL Releases, PHP Releases etc.

So if you have any problems concerning Google App Engine vs. Xampp, it means a problem between Google App Engine and Apache etc. (not Xampp - Xampp is only a word, nothing else).

As Apache is a very stable webserver (which is running most servers of the world) and is quite older than Google, you definately should ask Google if there any known issues with their own server (which seems to listen to Port 8080) and Apache.
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Re: Does Google's PHP App Engine Play Well with XAMPP

Postby catalyx » 30. November 2013 16:32

Thanks for clarifying the misused terms. Hope it doesn't confuse readers who land on this page.

I'm trying to troubleshoot the local server issue. The referenced discussion linked above has some useful suggestions which I tried. While I request the same from GAE's forum, do you have any troubleshooting suggestions pertaining to Apache?

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Operating System: WinXP

Re: Does Google's PHP App Engine Play Well with XAMPP

Postby Nobbie » 30. November 2013 19:23

catalyx wrote:,While I request the same from GAE's forum, do you have any troubleshooting suggestions pertaining to Apache?

Sorry, but i dont. If you provide more information about your installation, *maybe* i will have some ideas about that. But i even dont know if you installed Xampp in C:, if DocumentRoot is C: (or somewhere else) etc. pp. - it is already very hard to "debug remotely", but its even harder if i do not know anything about the installation.

First of all (in your case) I would de-install Google App Engine and see, what will happen. If there is any relation to the slow pages or not.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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