FPDF does not find font 'helveticab'

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FPDF does not find font 'helveticab'

Postby gabier » 31. October 2013 16:28

Hello everybody,
I expect I am not the only one to face this problem, but the other cases I found dealt with a missing font directory. In my case I checked that there is a helveticab font in the c:\xampp\php\pear\fpdf\font directory
But php is searching in another directory, because I get an error message as such:
Failed opening 'helveticab.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR')
Thus I understand that the include path for fonts is not well initialized. The problem is that I did not find where it is initialized. Does anyone knows where it is? Or maybe I am wrong and the solution is not there ?
:) Gabier
Posts: 10
Joined: 29. March 2013 18:22
Operating System: Windows 7

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