XAMPP + WordPress

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP + WordPress

Postby BlackBelt2025 » 30. May 2013 17:19

I am working on the website for the company at which I work, and I am having an issue.

I downloaded and installed XAMPP on my computer (in C:) following the tutorial on lifeinthegrid.com, and then installed the Duplicator plugin in the WordPress admin page for the site.

I ran Duplicator, and downloaded the package and installer to the folder C:\xampp\htdocs\website

I run the installer, and everything works. I eventually log on to the wp-admin dashboard for my local copy of the website (on localhost), and everything is fine.

However, when I click on the link to see the local version of the website, I get an index of all the files in that directory (C:\xampp\htdocs\website) instead of the website itself.

I made sure to update the permalinks, and I used the tutorial on lifeinthegrid.com for using the Duplicator.

Did I put something in the wrong place? I am good with software programming (C/C++, Java, etc.), but I am new to web stuff. I was unsure where I should have put the package and installer...
Posts: 1
Joined: 30. May 2013 17:09
Operating System: Windows 7

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