Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

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Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby scottsam717 » 18. December 2012 23:59

Hello, hoping someone can help. I'm really stuck.

I changed the password to access myphpadmin. And did so in the controll panel of myphpadmin where theres a button for change password. I FORGOT that it should have been done in the security window. Anyway I changed it there by typeing it in twice as it give two boxes to place new password and then retype new password and then click a button that said generate password. Now when I try to login I get an error. Now prior making just this change all was working just fine. Needless to say I created my own headache. Anyway at this point I search the forum for answers and none has worked for me. Here's what Ive done so far...
- I found the config file in my myphpadmin folder and looked for the password. It shows the name as root but password is empty. I tried loging in with no password. that did not work.
- I also access the localhost security and changed the password that way, still not working.
Afraid to make any other changes, this is not my area of expertise.

HELP Please. Ive had this setup for over two 2yrs know and all worked great. Only change was the silly password.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby edduvs » 19. December 2012 00:25

Enter your xampp/mysql folder and execute the resetroot.bat file, that will reset your root password (it will be blank).

Note* I have never used that resetroot.bat , but it's for a reason there so if it doesn't solve your problem, please reply.

Duluman Eduard Cosmin
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby scottsam717 » 19. December 2012 01:17

Dear Dulman, Hi.
Thanks so much for the quick reply. I can't get the resetroot.bat to work. I keep getting the following error:
InnoDB: Operting system error number 32 in a file operation.
The error means that another program is using the InnoDB ‘s files.
This might be a backup or anitvirus software or another instance of MySQL. Please clos it to get rid of this error.

Ive turned everything off that I can think of. and it still will not work.
What else can I do?
I have access to all the files/
Thanks Sam
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby edduvs » 19. December 2012 03:07

Another way is to forget about resetroot.bat and do it manually:

1. Go to your xampp\mysql\bin\ folder
2. Open my.ini and insert skip-grant-tables below [mysqld]
3. Start MySQL
4. Enter phpmyadmin, go to mysql table and set new password for your root user by running UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE User='root'
5. Open my.ini agan and delete the row you just added earlier with skip-grant-tables
6. Restart MySQL

Hope this helps you, it works for me, best regards,
Duluman Eduard Cosmin.
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby scottsam717 » 19. December 2012 03:37

I think I should try this but I not sure how to do on one part.

#4. on "running UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE User='root'"
Can you be more specific what I will be doing here.
What do you mean by running?
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby edduvs » 19. December 2012 04:24

Go to phpMyAdmin , press Login if it asks for a password, go to SQL, paste this UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE User='root', replace NEW_PASSWORD with your desired password and press Go.

Simple as that, I've put a link to a screenshot if you still have problems. Link:
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby scottsam717 » 19. December 2012 05:17

Thanks so much. I going to try here in the morning. Will give update (: Thanks again on the clarification the link was perfect.
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby scottsam717 » 19. December 2012 17:44

Dear edduvs, IT WORK. Problem resolved.

Thank you soooo much. I really appreciate your time.

Sincerely, Sam
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Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby edduvs » 19. December 2012 23:20

Glad I could help you.

Duluman Eduard Cosmin.
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Operating System: Win7

Re: Password Issue with PHPMyAdmin

Postby hackattack142 » 20. December 2012 02:01

As a side note, you need to stop the MySQL server before you can run the resetroot.bat script.
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