apache service won't start "Incorrect function" [Solved]

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apache service won't start "Incorrect function" [Solved]

Postby jmichae3 » 18. May 2012 01:41

I am not able to start the Apache2.2 service on a newer version of windows than vista.
I get "Incorrect Function" in the event log.

when I do
sc query Apache2.2
I get
WIN32_EXIT_CODE:1066 (0X42a)

the service won't start. unfortunately, when you install xampp, it doesn't give you any choice as to whether you want to install the xampp control panel applet in the notification area or not. I don't want it there, since when it is created it is not created with the ability to run as administrator. the desktop icon I *CAN* set it to run as administrator. too bad NSIS installer is incapable of doing this right now (so I put in a feature request).

in order to get it to even login, I had to set it to login as me, I have admin rights.
Jim Michaels
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Re: apache service won't start "Incorrect function"

Postby JonB » 18. May 2012 02:12

I "don't know" where you have gone wrong - BUT - you have gone astray. XAMPP on XP is nearly a no-brainer. The 1066 error is WINDOWS complaining, not XAMPP or Apache.

A few things to check:

Check to make sure the DL you used is valid. If you used the installer, try it with the zip file instead.

What are the path to executable properties of the Apache Service in Windows Services Manager?

Try running the apache_start.bat file from a Command window. see what it outputs. Its found in the root of the \xampp folder.

Where did you install XAMPP?

Check the Apache Error Log.

Good Luck
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Re: apache service won't start "Incorrect function"

Postby jmichae3 » 18. May 2012 02:43

figured it out, I had some syntax errors in my httpd.conf. I had copied the httpd.conf from an older version, and apparently some things have changed. so I have to use http://sf.net/projects/winmerge to merge my c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf files.

this was not XP as I said earlier.
Jim Michaels
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Re: apache service won't start "Incorrect function"

Postby JonB » 18. May 2012 04:48

Operating System: XP Pro Sp3

I take people at their word - you said you couldn't get it working on Vista or Win 7 - so go figure.

Winmerge is a good tool, I use it all the time for my WordPress code.

Good Luck

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