XAMPP portable in a cross platform project

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP portable in a cross platform project

Postby virrea » 24. March 2012 15:34

Dear everyone,

Sorry if I posted a cross platform related topic in the XAMPP for Windows sub-forum, but I didn't find anything in english that was approaching my request.

I'm very interrested in using XAMPP in my open source project as an AMP solution is needed. This project runs on Windows, and soon on Linux & Mac too. I would need to launch XAMPP Apache and MySQL servers from the main software without users to go in the XAMPP control panel and start them manually.

Is it possible using command line options to start/stop XAMPP from it on all 3 platform versions of XAMPP ?

Thanks a lot for your help,
Posts: 1
Joined: 24. March 2012 15:18
Operating System: Windows

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