xampp and windows 7 x64 problems...

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp and windows 7 x64 problems...

Postby cashcavalu » 16. January 2011 04:00

Hello everybody,

I need some help or advice on this one, as for several days i`m installing and re-installing my windows because of a problem for which windows doesn`t seam to care to tell what it is :)...

Anyway, from the beginning...

I have windows 7 x64 ultimate. I need the xampp, and I have an evdo modem on USB for interet :)... so far, so good. Problems started a long time ago but I didn`t care about it back then and I stopped using my modem... Now I need the modem again, so I have to solve this problem somehow.

Here it is... whenever I install the Xampp, everything is fine until I start the Apache... when I start the Apache my Windows doesn`t want to detect any modem at all anymore, therefore my modem cannot connect to my ISP anymore, it says "Openning port" and nothing happens anymore. And I can`t repair the windows either because the idiot doesn`t want to upgrade/repair itself anyhow... and system restore doesn`t work either because from I don`t know what reason, the system restore doesn`t affect this problem at all...

Basically, I though I have virus or something in my software or in my drivers somewhere, but it`s nothing like that, it`s all about some stupid services in windows that don`t want to start anymore after starting the apache in xampp... not even if I stop the apache, or the xampp, or even uninstall the xampp completly.

The Remote Access connection Manager, which should manage the dial-up and VPN connections gives a 1068 error and tells me that dependency services or group failed to start. So I go further and find out the this one is depended of Telephony, which is started, and Secure Socket Tunelling Protocol, which I try to start and it stops instanly telling me that if it`s not in use it usually stops... so that`s the dead end for me :))...

Now my question is why does this error ocurr ? What happend there ? Does apache change something in these services when it`s starts ? And how could I fix this problem ?

As I said before, I am having this problem that keeps me near the computer for about 5 days now :))... tried so many things, and finally I got to the point where the only thing that happened before a restart of the computer was starting the apache server in xampp... before that the modem worked, after that it didn`t anymore...

Hope someone can help me :).
Thanks in advance!
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Re: xampp and windows 7 x64 problems...

Postby Sharley » 16. January 2011 05:48

Where did you unpack and install XAMPP on your PC ?

Xampp does not do anything to the Windows Operating System except if you have any of the Svc boxes ticked in the XAMPP Control Panel or you answered yes to having services start when Windows starts in the setup_xampp.bat file when you installed XAMPP.

Then it sets up a Windows registry entry to start the XAMPP components like Apache and MySQL when ever you start Windows.

Go into the XAMPP Control Panel and Stop all the XAMPP components and remove any ticks you find in the Svc check boxes - answer Yes to the question to remove the service.

Next reboot your PC and make sure it starts with no issues.

You can then start Apache and MySQL from the XAMPP Control Panel by clicking on the Start button - do not tick any of the Svc boxes at all.

That should help with knowing that XAMPP is longer playing a part in your error 1068 issue.

Microsoft has some help for error 1068 and a download file.

Finally, these Google Search Results may show that you are not alone with your 1068 torment. ;)

Good luck and let us know back if you were able to move forward and fix your 1068 torment. :)
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Re: xampp and windows 7 x64 problems...

Postby cashcavalu » 20. January 2011 18:02

Thanks for the info Sharley,

I already read all that information but nothing seamed to work... and it seams that you`re right, it actually looks like the problem is not from the apache either, I don`t know what it is... it`s something in the windows... it seams that more services die when this happens, even the event viewer. But I still don`t understand what happens, because once it runs perfectly and after a restart, it all breaks apart. And the idiot windows doesn`t seam to be able to tell me what happens :))... And I tried many different solutions but none seams to repair it...

Also, I observed something for those who can`t start the Apache sometimes on windows 7 :)... When Skype is running, it keeps the port occupied and the apache can`t initialize. This I observed when I tried as you said, without installing the service I wanted to start the Apache, and nothing, did a port check and observed that the 80 port was in use by Skype, I closed the skype, then started apache and it worked perfectly, then I could start the skype again and everything was fine...

I reinstalled the windows again after the last time :), and now is running well for about 3 days now, but I still haven`t installed office :)... the xampp runs well, everything seams to be fine... I hope it stays fine :)

Thanks for the help!

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