No MySQL Admin in XAMPP (WinMySQLAdmin error generator)

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

No MySQL Admin in XAMPP (WinMySQLAdmin error generator)

Postby charlieahern » 01. March 2009 02:32

I ripped out Apache, PHP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin to give XAMPP a try. BIG MISTAKE.

XAMPP 1.7.0 distributes WinMySQLAdmin, which when clicked in the XAMPP Control Panel does nothing but create a pop-up error message every ten seconds or so. Not only is WinMySQLAdmin not functional as an admin tool, it's very annoying and takes some work to get rid of. (Feels like a virus to me.)

XAMPP will get around to fixing this "in the next release," but I've seen support chats from a year ago that this was a problem. I don't expect it will be fixed in the near future, so I've given up on XAMPP. It's unfortunate that "Beginning Joomla!," published in 2007, recommends XAMPP.

Good bye XAMPP.

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Joined: 01. March 2009 02:13

Re: No MySQL Admin in XAMPP (WinMySQLAdmin error generator)

Postby jef » 03. March 2009 08:52

Last week I have solved a similar problem [or, may be, the same one]
At the following URL (François Jéru)
you can check whether it is (or not) exactly the same problem.
I wanted to operate XAMPP on my desktop [http://localhost/ ...] not via a router on a distant HostingOperator

In this case, part of the solution was in C:/windows/my.ini parameters to be changed
Good luck ! Charlie !

Now my "Xampp Control Panel App" shows the following

Svc Apache Running
Svc MySql Running

That's better but the installation is not completed
When I launch the daemon Apache with http://localhost Status MySql desactive!!
The remaining question : How to activate my first created database (called wordpress) ?
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Joined: 03. March 2009 08:17

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