Unable to access the security folder

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Unable to access the security folder

Postby tgp1994 » 23. January 2009 17:37

Hello there. I'm trying to access the security portion of XAMPP for Windows, but I keep getting a 403 (Forbidden) error. That's about as much explaining as I can do, since there really isn't much I can do.

Here's some information that I hope might help:

  • Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition, in Trial (If the trial part really matters.)
  • Latest version of XAMPP

Thanks much in advance.
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Re: Unable to access the security folder

Postby glitzi85 » 23. January 2009 17:43

Code: Select all
ERROR: $PersonsUnableToUseSearchFunction overflow!


Open xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf and replace

Code: Select all
Allow from localhost

Code: Select all
Allow from

Restart Apache.

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Re: Unable to access the security folder

Postby tgp1994 » 23. January 2009 17:48

Thank you very much, turns out a little scrolling can find your answers pretty easily :) I guess this topic can be deleted since there are many more of them similar. I must ask though, has XAMPP web admins ever considered a wiki, or even fixing those two config files? I could save them and this forum a lot of trouble.
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Re: Unable to access the security folder

Postby glitzi85 » 23. January 2009 18:01

That's a relative new problem, hopefully it will be fixed in the next version. In the current beta version it is still with localhost.

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Re: Unable to access the security folder

Postby dmphotography » 23. January 2009 19:56

Yeah, I took a look at the new beta version and mentioned that in the feedback area. There's quite a few issues with the beta version, such as I couldn't find the user names/passwords that you normally set in the security section. I looked in the readme_en file and it wasn't in there.

I don't remember the other issues, but yeah, not knowing those passwords made it pretty useless for me at this point.

Also, what is suppose to be new in that version? It doesn't have anything in the readme file about the new changes that are being made.
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