LIBMYSQL.dll, port 3306, 40 and 443 (ssl)

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LIBMYSQL.dll, port 3306, 40 and 443 (ssl)

Postby yoz » 10. January 2009 21:13

I'm having all kinds of problems with installing the XAMPP server software. Ever time I try to open the MySQL admin service, the interface is locked and closes itself two seconds later. Then a repeating error message that says:

"Access violation error at address 1000A1F7 in module 'LIBMYSQL.dll'.
Read of address 00000000."

I can't even start the MySQL 5.1 service I downloaded from

Also, when installing XAMPP, I get a something about 80 and 443 (SSL) in use so the Apache server can't run. Then is says port 3306 is in use so the MySQL part of XAMPP can't install.

All this started happening when I had to uninstall and reinstall everything to try to get the Apache service activated.

What do I do?
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Re: LIBMYSQL.dll, port 3306, 40 and 443 (ssl)

Postby Izzy » 10. January 2009 22:29

What OS are you using?
"Access violation error at address 1000A1F7 in module 'LIBMYSQL.dll'.Read of address 00000000."

I get a something about 80 and 443 (SSL) in use so the Apache server can't run. Then is says port 3306 is in use so the MySQL part of XAMPP can't install.
Use xampp-portcheck.exe to see what is using the ports that XAMPP requires exclusively - all ports should be free.

Usually Skype and IIS are the culprits and need to be disabled and a forum search will find the method of doing this.

Also have you another instance of MySQL on your PC perhaps installed by another program?
The port check will tell if you have.

If on Vista you will have to do all this as an administrator, as you will have to do to install any services - logged in as a user won't work.

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