XAMPP as internet server?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP as internet server?

Postby ziggy » 14. September 2007 06:58

Hello all,

I'm a total newbie to XAMPP and the forums so please bear with me if I ask simple questions. :oops:

I want to be able to run XAMPP on another computer and access it via the internet, like a regular web server. Is XAMPP a good choice for this or are there some security issues I'm unaware of?

Right now I have XAMPP running on another computer and can see the main XAMPP site (over the internet via No-IP.com which forwards my URL to my home network), which displays the Welcome screen, Status pages, etc. the same way as if it were installed locally. However, I haven't figured out how to set up Joomla on it so I can use that CMS.

I haven't found any tutorials on how to set up Joomla on XAMPP yet and any advice/help is greatly appreciated.
Thanx for now,
ziggy 8)
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Re: XAMPP as internet server?

Postby x-files » 20. November 2007 06:06

Hello ziggy,

The security issue is here:
ziggy wrote:Right now I have XAMPP running on another computer and can see the main XAMPP site (over the internet via No-IP.com which forwards my URL to my home network), which displays the Welcome screen, Status pages, etc. the same way as if it were installed locally.

Using it as a Web Server should not be done without setting passwords to secure the Server up first.

Once done, use folder htdocs to install Joomla.
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Postby warlord_dow » 27. November 2007 15:26

And how do we do that? I have the exact problem as he does.

All i want is for people to acces some projects that i have stored locally in my htdocs folder. I understood i had to modify a httpd.conf from the apache conf folder at doocumentRoot but i really don't know what to say over there. please help :) I'm allso using no-ip.org.
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Postby x-files » 28. November 2007 05:57

warlord_dow wrote:And how do we do that? I have the exact problem as he does.

All i want is for people to acces some projects that i have stored locally in my htdocs folder. I understood i had to modify a httpd.conf from the apache conf folder at doocumentRoot but i really don't know what to say over there. please help :) I'm allso using no-ip.org.

After install, there are files and folders in /htdocs -> Create a new Subfolder and move them all inside it. Doing so, you alone will know where they are (using the Subfolder's name in the URL to access them).

I also use No-IP; it does nothing, but to link my IP (which one changes often) to the domain Name I have chosen; check my Web Site for an example. Note that my Site is not under xampp yet, but it will be in a near future... time to figure out how to best protect xampp against unauthorized access and I'll start using it. :wink:
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Postby warlord_dow » 28. November 2007 07:52

i already made a folder where wordpress and other php / mysql applications stay. I've been using xampp for about 1 year. All i want is for people to view the projects im working on. I have a router. I've set forwarding for port 80. But people when try to acces the link they are send to localhost on their computer. :( That's my problem.
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Postby x-files » 29. November 2007 00:22

warlord_dow wrote:i already made a folder where wordpress and other php / mysql applications stay. I've been using xampp for about 1 year. All i want is for people to view the projects im working on. I have a router. I've set forwarding for port 80. But people when try to acces the link they are send to localhost on their computer. :( That's my problem.

This happens when the link is set to localhost or to ; people need to access your outside (WAN) IP if you have a Static IP, use this one for the link, if you have a Dynamic IP, use a redirector (e.g: No-IP) with a Domain (or SubDomain) Name.
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Postby MaverickScot » 28. July 2008 17:41

Hi Peeps,

I have the same problem and it probably is something silly I have missed being new to this.

My XAMPP is setup perfectly and i have installed phpBB v3 and I have set up the Bulletin Board exactly the way I want it. All of this was done through Localhost.

Now I assumed (rightly or wrongly) that I would be able to access this BB (on my home PC) from the internet , however when I type in the web address I get the XAMPP for windows Welcome page, after i have put in the User/Password. So do i have to set up a Virtual host or can I access the BB some easier way? I don't need to access the XAMPP page remotely.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Windows XP Pro SP3
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Postby Mystic » 28. July 2008 23:04

Go into the /htdocs folder and delete the index.html and index.php files. These files re-direct the main entry page to the xampp folder.
Now add your own main page index.html or index.php with links to the various sections of your site.
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Postby MaverickScot » 31. July 2008 17:29

Many thanks Mystic. I thought it was something simple like that. All I have to work out now it how to redirect the index.html to the next subdirectory :D on the local host

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Postby Mystic » 31. July 2008 23:40

This is the current re-direct code that is in index.php in the htdocs directory.
If you don't want to have a front page but just redirect to the BB you can just change this code:

Code: Select all
   if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
      $uri = 'https://';
   } else {
      $uri = 'http://';
   $uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
   header('Location: '.$uri.'/xampp/');

To this:

Code: Select all
   if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
      $uri = 'https://';
   } else {
      $uri = 'http://';
   $uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
   header('Location: '.$uri.'/phpBB/');

Notice I just changed the folder name xampp to phpBB

If you want to use index.html and redirect to forums you could place this javascript in a file named index.html

Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "/forums"
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