Unable to start Apache on Vista

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Postby Dubber Dan » 05. July 2008 15:45

I spoke too soon.

Have stopped usign the Vista firewall and moved back to Comodo and all seemed fine for a day, but now I'm unable to start Apache again

Have tried with Comodo running and with no firewall at all, but it's still not starting!

Any more ideas folks?
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Dubber Dan
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Postby icetee » 05. July 2008 19:14

Hmm. Check the Vista-Firewall again (make sure it's off // It's just a issue coming by experience using Comodo on XP)
Make a Port-Check.
What does xampp say ? Error.log // are there any warnings/errors ?!
Do you run other software permanently ?

Edit: Check your Task-Manager: Is apache running ? How many times ?!
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Postby Dubber Dan » 05. July 2008 19:49

Ah cheers, found something in error.log (it's the first time I've used XAMPP so didn't know about that) and I needed to tweak my httpd-vhosts.conf file
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