DNS server in XP and Xampp ??

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DNS server in XP and Xampp ??

Postby vimages » 31. October 2007 11:24


Is it possible to make a DNS server in a web server running on XP and xampp ?

I use xampp and have many web sites in my computer (web server) ... now, the adresses are for exemple :
I can use the DNS server of Gandit.net (the registrar) and use a transparent redirection, but it's not usefull and not good for google ...
I think it will be better to make a DNS server.. to give to Gandi my (future) DNS IP¨and have adresses like :

What do you think about that ?
many thanks !!
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Postby LooseCannon » 31. October 2007 14:47

Hello and welcome vimages.

Please excuse me, but I don't think I've fully grasped your queries.

You say "... it's not usefull and not good for google." Would you please explain why?

Will the many sites on the web server be valid, registered domain names, to be found and accessed from the www? If so, then your ISP just needs to point their name servers to your web server, which can run multiple virtual hosts.
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DNS and Apache

Postby vimages » 31. October 2007 17:06

LooseCannon wrote:
Will the many sites on the web server be valid, registered domain names, to be found and accessed from the www? If so, then your ISP just needs to point their name servers to your web server, which can run multiple virtual hosts.

many thanks for you interest...

for now, all site are accessed from de web.. no problems...

but, I have diferents domain names.. as "v-images.com", "autosportacademy.eu", "serveur-photos.com" ... and only one server... so only one IP.

- In gandi.net setting, the first domain point to my IP server and all is "normal".. each web page have his adress.
- but for the others domains, I have to make a normal redirection to redirect their adresse to something like http://myIPxxxxx/UnderLevelFolder/ ... it's not very professional...
the users see :http://myIPxxxxx/site1/...etc..
I will prefer to have http://site1/...etc...

B) I can have a transparent redirection.. but, it's using a frame... I think (maybe I'm wrong ??) it's not the best way... When I try to register in google, put a sitemap, wait for the visite of the ggogle bot and see the rank.. the web page adresses are not visible.. in this case we'll see only the basic adress..it's not good for their referencement


I want to know how to have differents IP's on my own server... to give them to the registrar.. (one domain name / one IP) and each IP is a separate folder in this main server.....
Is a DNS server be the solution ?


my english is very bad, so, please excuse me....
many thanks !!
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Postby LooseCannon » 01. November 2007 15:20

Always interested to help, but often lacking time, knowledge or ability. :)

Are your domains fully qualified domain name (FQDN) registered with a domain name registrar? Because you access them from the web using an ip address, I guess not. Please advise.

If they are, you should configure virtual hosts on the server and let the isp worry about DNS. I believe that generally, your server has one ip and the isp DNS name servers have listings for each registered domain, all pointing to the one ip address. Apache then uses its virtual hosting to direct requests to the correct domains/folders....

Ah, frames. Not so good with search engines or addressing directly to the page or main frame you want to.

I believe that redirects are more a web site development topic than related to XAMPP, which provides web server functionality. As such, I neither know how to make the address in the address bar appear differently to what it is, not if this is the best forum for such a query.
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