Upgrading XAMPP

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Upgrading XAMPP

Postby alfred3x » 02. September 2007 02:00

Can someone point me to the documentation for upgrading my XAMPP installation? Didn't find anything about that in the FAQ.

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Postby Izzy » 02. September 2007 03:11

Alfred, it all depends on what version of XAMPP from and what version to.

If your version is fairly recent then the upgrade file on the Apache Friends web site will usually inform you as to which versions the upgrade will work on.

If you have an very old version then uninstall the old version, backing up your configuration and database files first then delete the old version's directory (or as I do, rename the directory to copy of etc. so I don't lose any of my old files).

A new install of the latest version is then recommended in this case.

You can't just over write the backed up configuration files if you have installed a new version as they may have additional configuration entries for the latest versions of the XAMPP components.

But you can edit the new configuration files and include your previous edits from the old configuration files in them.

Sounds a bit messy but remember that in the latest version of XAMPP they include the latest and greatest components which usually are not backward compatible.
It often pays, for ease of upgrading, to keep abreast of the releases and use the upgrade files on Apache Friends web site. If you get too far back in versions then it usually means going through this messy proceedure to catch up.

Same with your database files.

Best with these to dump them using phpMyAdmin and be aware of the upgraded MySQL compatibility issues. In phpMyAdmin you can dump using various MySQL versions for compatibility.

I use the 7Zip XAMPP versions as I can then compare the various changes that have taken place plus I can locate XAMPP in a drive/directory of my choosing. Future upgrades I find much easier using this method.

I did a search in the English forums for some old posts on this subject using upgrade as the keyword and izzy as the Author as I seem to remember answering this issue before.

Hope this helps a bit as there is not much info, as you say, about upgrading.

Good luck with it.

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control posted by ridgewood:
http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopi ... 967#103967

The DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe)
is available here:

I highly recommend DTX.
Last edited by Izzy on 02. September 2007 03:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Postby alfred3x » 02. September 2007 03:25

Thanks for the upgrade info Izzy. I'm the midst of uninstalling the old servers. Not certain whether I'll be installing the latest XAMPP version: it's only at PHP 5.2.3, and I noticed that 5.2.4 has some GD fixes, and it's a GD bug that's motivating the upgrade.

I'm at 1.6.0a (I think).

I hate all this upheaval. I wish I could just upgrade the PHP component, but there's not enough documentation to walk me through path.

Thanks again for your help.

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Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

Postby Izzy » 02. September 2007 04:22

I'm at 1.6.0a (I think).
Version info here:
Just drag it into your text editor
or in the XAMPP Welcome page from:

I believe the developers are currently working on the next release which should help with the GD issue:
http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopi ... 191#107191

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control posted by ridgewood:
http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopi ... 967#103967

The DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe)
is available here:

I highly recommend DTX.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Postby alfred3x » 02. September 2007 17:04

Hi Izzy:

OK, I've decided to try out the latest XAMPP, using the 7Zip archive.

I use the 7Zip XAMPP versions as I can then compare the various changes that have taken place plus I can locate XAMPP in a drive/directory of my choosing. Future upgrades I find much easier using this method.

How do you compare two versions to see the changes?

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Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

Postby alfred3x » 02. September 2007 17:49

I've installed 1.6.3a. Huzzah! Frankly I'd forgotten how easy it was.

I put it in d:/ProgramFile/xampp. Then ran the setup_xampp.bat script, and xampp_start.exe. OK, that worked. But I want it to run as a service.

First I make Apache a service. d:/program files/xampp/apache/apache_installservice.bat, no problem.

Then mysql: d:/program files/xampp/mysql/mysql_installservice.bat
This is where I run into problems. It won't start the mysql daemon. Here's what it gives me:

Code: Select all
Try to start the MySQL daemon as service ...
The mysql service is starting.
The mysql service could not be started.

A system error has occurred.

System error 1067 has occurred.

The process terminated unexpectedly.

Press any key to continue . . .

Any hints?

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Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

Postby alfred3x » 02. September 2007 18:09

Ah, never mind about the MySQL...

I ran the xampp-portcheck.exe program and found mysql was already running. So I stopped xampp using xampp_stop.exe. Then reran the mysql_installservice.bat, and it ran fine.

I then restarted the machine and both Apache and MySQL were running. (I'm doing my happy dance.)

Now to move the virtual hosts and databases over...
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Postby alfred3x » 02. September 2007 18:36

OK, the virtual hosts and databases moved over without incident.

But when I tested the issue that prompted the move to the new server, it was still there. :( When opening an image in GD using imagecreatefromjpeg(), I get a Fatal Error, saying that it had used up all memory available to the script (the memory_limit directive in php.ini).

Well it turns out you can tweak that limit in the script with:

Code: Select all
   ini_set("memory_limit", "36M");

So I set it to 36M (megabytes) (the default is 8M), and it went through! Personally I think 36M is way too much for a 2M image, and I'm hoping that the next release will work with less. But, this is the workhorse script that gets called only when uploading images; so I'm willing to live with it. (Do I have a choice?)

I hope this thread helps someone else who has similar problems...

Thanks to the XAMPP team, and Izzy for his help.
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Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

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