Parse error when installing Civicrm on Drupal

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Parse error when installing Civicrm on Drupal

Postby jn122 » 02. August 2007 12:20

Hi all, hoping to draw on someone's expertise with this one. It was recommended over at the Civicrm forum that I try on here as we have run into a brick wall in working this one out.

I have installed Civiccrm in a sub-directory of a Drupal install and am running XAMPP 1.6.3 on windows with Zend optimizer 3.28, php 5.0 and mysql 5.0.

I repeatedly throw this error 'Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C\xampp\htdocs\ic\sites\default\civicrm.settings.php on line 149'

Folk over at Civicrm community thought it might be something specific to XAMPP under windows so if I might beg your indulgence could I paste some of the cofig settings here in the hope that someone will spot some obvious syntax glitch:

* CiviCRM Configuration File - v1.8

* Content Management System (CMS) Host:
* CiviCRM can be hosted in either Drupal or Joomla.
* Settings for Drupal 5.1:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF' , 'Drupal' );
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_VERSION', '5.1' );
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_URLVAR' , 'q' );
* For Drupal 4.7.x, same as above except
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_VERSION', '4.7' );
* Settings for Joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF' , 'Joomla' );
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_VERSION', '1' );
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_URLVAR' , 'task' );
* Settings for Standalone:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF' , 'Standalone');
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_URLVAR', 'q');

define( 'CIVICRM_UF' , 'Drupal' );
define( 'CIVICRM_UF_VERSION' , '5.1' );
define( 'CIVICRM_UF_URLVAR' , 'q' );

* Content Management System (CMS) Datasource:
* Update this setting with your CMS (Drupal or Joomla) database username, server and DB name. Comment it out if using CiviCRM standalone.
* Datasource (DSN) format:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_DSN', 'mysql://cms_db_username:cms_db_password@db_server/cms_database?new_link=true');

define( 'CIVICRM_UF_DSN' , 'mysql://root:MYPASS@localhost/ic?new_link=true' );

* Content Management System (CMS) User Table-name:
* Update the CIVICRM_UF_USERSTABLENAME if needed to match the name of the table
* where the CMS user data is stored. Default for Drupal and Standalone installs is 'users'.
* If you are using table-prefixing for the users table, you must enter the tablename
* with the prefix. Default table name for Joomla - 'jos_users'. For Mambo - 'mos_users'.

define( 'CIVICRM_UF_USERSTABLENAME', 'users' );

* CiviCRM Database Settings
* MySQL Version:
* CiviCRM requires MySQL version 4.1 or greater.
* IMPORTANT: Enter closest dot release to your installed version. 4.1, 5.0 are all valid examples. Do NOT
* specify minor revision (second dot) - 4.1.2 is NOT a valid value for this setting.
* Database URL (CIVICRM_DSN) for CiviCRM Data:
* Database URL format:
* define( 'CIVICRM_DSN', 'mysql://crm_db_username:crm_db_password@db_server/crm_database?new_link=true');
* Drupal and CiviCRM can share the same database, or can be installed into separate databases.
* EXAMPLE: Drupal and CiviCRM running in the same database...
* DB Name = drupal, DB User = drupal
* define( 'CIVICRM_DSN' , 'mysql://drupal:YOUR_PASSWORD@localhost/drupal?new_link=true' );
* EXAMPLE: Drupal and CiviCRM running in separate databases...
* Drupal DB Name = drupal, DB User = drupal
* CiviCRM DB Name = civicrm, CiviCRM DB User = civicrm
* define( 'CIVICRM_DSN' , 'mysql://root:fin14400@localhost/civicrm?new_link=true' );
* MySQL Path:
* This stores the installed path of mysql. You will need to verify and modify this value if you are
* planning on using CiviCRMs built-in Database Backup utility. If you have shell access, you may be
* able to query the path by using one of the following commands:
* $ whereis mysql
* $ type mysql

define( 'CIVICRM_MYSQL_VERSION', 5.0 );
define( 'CIVICRM_DSN' , 'mysql://root:MYPASS@localhost/ic?new_link=true' );
define( 'CIVICRM_MYSQL_PATH', 'C:\\xampp\\mysql\\bin\' );

* File System Paths:
* $civicrm_root is the file system path on your server where the civicrm
* code is installed. Use an ABSOLUTE path (not a RELATIVE path) for this setting.
* CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR is the file system path where compiled templates are stored.
* These sub-directories and files are temporary caches and will be recreated automatically
* if deleted.
* IMPORTANT: The COMPILEDIR directory must exist,
* and your web server must have read/write access to these directories.
* EXAMPLE - CivicSpace / Drupal:
* If the path to the CivicSpace or Drupal home directory is /var/www/htdocs/civicspace
* the $civicrm_root setting would be:
* $civicrm_root = '/var/www/htdocs/civicspace/modules/civicrm/';
* define( 'CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR', '/var/www/htdocs/civicspace/files/civicrm/templates_c/' );
* EXAMPLE - Joomla Installations:
* If the path to the Joomla home directory is /var/www/htdocs/joomla
* the $civicrm_root setting would be:
* $civicrm_root = '/var/www/htdocs/joomla/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/';
* define( 'CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR', '/var/www/htdocs/joomla/media/civicrm/templates_c/' );
* EXAMPLE - Standalone Installations:
* If the path to the Standalone home directory is /var/www/htdocs/civicrm
* the $civicrm_root setting would be:
* $civicrm_root = '/var/www/htdocs/ic/sites/all/modules/civicrm/';
* define( 'CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR', '/var/www/htdocs/civicrm/templates_c/' );

global $civicrm_root;

$civicrm_root = '/htdocs/xampp/ic/sites/all/modules/civicrm/';
define( 'CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR', ' '/htdocs/xampp/ic/files/civicrm/templates_c/' );

* Site URLs:
* This section defines absolute and relative URLs to access the host CMS (Drupal or Joomla)
* resources. Also you can use Standalone to access the host CMS resources.
* IMPORTANT: Trailing slashes should be used on all URL settings.
* EXAMPLE - Drupal Installations:
* If your site's home url is
* these variables would be set as below. Modify as needed for your install.
* CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL - home URL for your site:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL' , '' );
* EXAMPLE - Joomla Installations:
* If your site's home url is
* CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL - home URL for your site:
* Administration site:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL' , '' );
* Front-end site:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL' , '' );
* EXAMPLE - Standalone Installations:
* If your site's home url is
* CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL - home URL for your site:
* define( 'CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL' , '' );

define( 'CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL' , 'http://localhost/xampp/ic/' );


Thanks in advance
Posts: 2
Joined: 02. August 2007 12:03

Re: Parse error when installing Civicrm on Drupal

Postby Izzy » 02. August 2007 12:49

jn122 wrote:...I repeatedly throw this error 'Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C\xampp\htdocs\ic\sites\default\civicrm.settings.php on line 149'

This path looks different in your configuration file:
C\xampp\htdocs\ic\sites\default\civicrm.settings.php on line 149'

Line 150:
$civicrm_root = '/htdocs/xampp/ic/sites/all/modules/civicrm/';

Maybe the path should be:
$civicrm_root = 'C:/xampp/htdocs/ic/sites/all/modules/civicrm/';

Or you could try it this way:
$civicrm_root = 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\ic\\sites\\all\\modules\\civicrm\';

Not sure if this is your problem but the path is different to where you have the ic directory and the $civicrm_root = '/ may give a parse error.

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control posted by ridgewood: ... 967#103967

The DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe)
is available here:

I highly recommend DTX.
Last edited by Izzy on 02. September 2007 05:09, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3344
Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

cheers Izzy

Postby jn122 » 02. August 2007 14:12

Thanks very much for that Izzy, well spotted, I've gone blind by repeatedly entering and reentering combinations and that one got past me.

Still throwing the error despite that. Thanks anyway.
Posts: 2
Joined: 02. August 2007 12:03

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