port problems, XAMPP 1.8.1 portable

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

port problems, XAMPP 1.8.1 portable

Postby databarn » 05. November 2012 18:57

Installed XAMPP on an eight (8 )GB USB stick, but cannot get MySQL (port 3308) to start. I changed Apache port to 8080, but the control panel shows it started on port 80.

The original configuration worked fine on a machine w/o a WAMP installation. But I need to change the ports - the stick will occasionally be used in a machine with an existing WAMP installation, so the port changes are necessary. I've altered the config files accordingly, but cannot see the changes in the control panel.

If the stick is used with a machine w/o any WAMP installation, MySQL starts on port 3308, but Apache starts on port 80. If I try to run a PHP script, this error message is shown: Could not connect: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
However, if I change the MySQL port back to 3306, the page runs properly.

I really need to be able to change these port numbers.
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Joined: 05. November 2012 17:41
Operating System: win7, 64-bit & 32-bit

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