mysql and apache not running

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

mysql and apache not running

Postby ddbacker » 02. January 2009 11:54

I'm using win xp home, service pack II.
Apache and mysql do not run (no green button in Xampp Control Panel(XCP) for both when hitting start buttons).
I use Trend Micro firewall but deactivated the firewall. I also deactivated win xp firewall. i'm using xampp 1.6.8.

When i check some item (i forgot which one, I guess the one in windows services wich shows me the xampp control panel service) i get the next message: xampp service stopped, specific service fault 32 (0X20) , go to help "". But this page redirects me to a general microsoft technical helpdesk, offcourse :-).
In the windows services i cannot find the apache server.

When I check apache (clicking apache.exe) I get the message:
syntax error on line 42: syntax error "c:/program files/apache/conf/httpd.conf": serverroot must be a valid directory
(serverrroot is "/xampp/apache", changing it in "/Program Files/xampp/apache" did not help me).

Somewhere (after clicking apache start bat file ?) I also got the message in a dos-like window: apache 2.2 ervice stopped with specific service fault 1 (0x1).
xampp port check shows me that all necessary ports are free (except for port used by filezilla wich doe work).
On internet I find very few info about the problem.

http://localhost is not reachable in IE: DNS error or.... (I forgot the complete message).

i didn't check yet the problem with mysql (probably the same cause).

Anyone an idea ? Thank you.
I admit I forgot to check if IIS is active. But I guess it's not because I have win xp HOME.

xampp used to work in the past without any problem on completely the same system & software, apart from the trend micro firewall wich I bought after a virus invasion :-). But as mentioned, I deactivated this firewall...
I tried to lower the Internet Explorer security level with no results. In fact it allways returns to the security level "normal" after my change...
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Joined: 02. January 2009 11:29

Re: mysql and apache not running

Postby Seline » 14. January 2009 04:41

Hi there - I just had the same problem and it took me quite a while to figure out the solution:

It's seems to be important to set the path of the xampp directory directly to your partition, e.g. C:\xampp or D:\xampp.
The apache routine somehow can't handle subdirectories.

Give it a try, it worked for me.
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Joined: 14. January 2009 04:31

Re: mysql and apache not running

Postby Izzy » 14. January 2009 04:50

Seline wrote:Hi there - I just had the same problem and it took me quite a while to figure out the solution:

It's seems to be important to set the path of the xampp directory directly to your partition, e.g. C:\xampp or D:\xampp.
The apache routine somehow can't handle subdirectories.

Give it a try, it worked for me.
The readme_en.txt file in the xampp folder is quite clear on this and may have been a quicker alternative to have read it than to have tried to work it out for yourself.;).
readme file wrote:* QUICK INSTALLATION:

[NOTE: Unpack the package to your USB stick or a partition of your choice.
There it must be on the highest level like E:\ or W:\. It will
build E:\xampp or W:\xampp or something like this. Please do not use the "setup_xampp.bat" for an USB stick installation!]

Also AFAIK Apache can't handle spaces in file or folder names unless enclosed in quotation marks "C:\program Files\xampp" or has an underscore to replicate a space, some_folder or some_file.txt
Example from the OP:
(serverrroot is "/xampp/apache", changing it in "/Program Files/xampp/apache" did not help me).
ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/xampp/apache" may have been the solution.
But never having use the Program Files folder for XAMPP I can only surmise that it would have been a solution and would need to have been tested by the OP.

The golden rule therefore is try not to include spaces in file or folder names also worth a mention is Apache and most things in XAMPP are case sensitive and so folders and file names are often best all lower case to save any confusion.

Running the setup_xampp.bat file found in the xampp folder would also have possibly fixed his path issue.

The forum search facility is also a mine of information with many questions that have been asked and answered with solutions that abound.

Anyway, thanks for posting your solution and good luck. :)
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Re: mysql and apache not running

Postby ddbacker » 19. January 2009 11:02

Problem solved: I reinstalled everything, now with c:\xampp as directory.
Conclusion: the installer can't handle other directories (no propper install then).
Thanks everybodey for your reaction.
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Joined: 02. January 2009 11:29

Re: mysql and apache not running

Postby Izzy » 19. January 2009 11:11

Your welcome and thanks for posting back with your solution.

Enjoy XAMPP and good luck.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

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