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PostPosted: 15. November 2008 14:28
by lse123
I do a MYSQL VIEW I think via running a php file with below...

but I delete it from phpMyAdmin by error, well now I return to php file but VIEW does not get recreated, what to do ? how to CREATE THE VIEW ? PRIVILEGES (I do not change anything) ?

in php file appears:

Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/p/o/l/polisch123/html/administration/bookings10nov2008.php on line 213 [ this line contains : mysql_free_result($result); ]

Code: Select all
<? $active = 'active'; 
$query_view2 = "CREATE VIEW admin_bookings2 (name,mob,fixed,cstatus,email,bookingid,dateplaced,status,datep,dated,Locationp,Locationd,days,mostdaysrate,vat,off,total,cat,discount2) AS 
SELECT $,$CustomersTable.mob,$CustomersTable.fixed,$CustomersTable.status,$,$BookingsTable.bookingid,$BookingsTable.dateplaced,$BookingsTable.status,$BookingsTable.datep,$BookingsTable.dated,$BookingsTable.Locationp,$BookingsTable.Locationd,$BookingsTable.days,$BookingsTable.mostdaysrate,$BookingsTable.vat,$,$,$,$BookingsTable.discount2 
FROM $CustomersTable, $BookingsTable 
WHERE $ = $ AND cstatus='active'"; //$CustomersTable.status = $active 
// ---------- 
$result_view = @mysql_query($query_view2,$linkid); 
$query = "SELECT * FROM admin_bookings2 WHERE dated>='$today' ORDER BY $orderby "; // dateplaced dated AND dated>='$today'"; email='$email6' AND status!='canceled' // appear bookings dated>=time() AND time()<='$dated'canceled 
$result = @mysql_query($query,$linkid); 
$count = @mysql_num_rows($result); 
echo " ( Your query returned " . $count . " items. )"; 