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Privilages dissapear in a day!

PostPosted: 05. October 2005 14:10
by logan
Luckily i am afrikaans so i can kinda understand what is said every now and then! :wink:
But if this topic is listed somewhere let me know! :oops:

I am a (newish) programmer, most experience in c++, but recently i have found my new calling php. Thus obtaining XAMPP! :D

A few days ago i encountered a problem that i do not know how to solve.
The issue is as folows:
Any privilages(new users) i create for purpouse of logging in via my php only lasts for a day. example if would create a user with username: test, password: test , localhost etc etc, I can use it today. But if i then start the program the next day then the users (privilages) from the previouse day doesnt work i.e code doesnt have access to the wanted database and thus tables.

Hope that all makes sence! :)

Please help if anyone knows how! (in english please :wink: )


PostPosted: 28. October 2005 22:16
by Beamer
Ich schließe mich diesem Problem einmal an.

Auch ich habe einen neuen Benutzer angelegt (localhost, mit Passwort, alle Rechte). Der Zugriff über MySQL/PHP funktioniert. Allerdings nur solange, bis ich den Computer neu starte. Der Benutzer steht noch in der Liste. Lösche ich aber diesen Benutzer und lege ihn neu an, funktioniert auch der Zugriff vom Script aus wieder einwandfrei.


PostPosted: 29. October 2005 10:40
by Wiedmann
XAMPP Version?

PostPosted: 29. October 2005 11:32
by deepsurfer

User Beamer has the same error as you, he write in german.

Please let us know which XAMPP-Version you use and which Windows/Linux

PostPosted: 29. October 2005 21:24
by Beamer

ich habe heute ein wenig rumprobiert und habe schließlich 1.4.15 (Windows) komplett deinstalliert und 1.4.16 draufgezogen. Jetzt funktioniert alles wieder. 8)

Scheinbar war meine vorheriger Version defekt, denn ich hatte bei der Deinstallation anfangs Probleme, die Verzeichnisse mysql/bin und mysql/data zu löschen.

After a complete removal of version 1.4.15 and new installation of 1.4.16 my problem had been solved. I hope your problem can be solved in this way as well.

Version of XAMPP

PostPosted: 31. October 2005 06:40
by logan
Sorry for being away for so long! ISP Services in SA need to be upgraded a bit!!

I am currently running 1.4.15, but i see beamer mentions something about installing version 1.4.16? Perhaps will try that!
But if there is a deaper darker reason for this happening please let me know!
I have broken XAMPP three times trying to figure out, and i am beginning to think its one of those small obviouse things no one ever sees until its too late! :)

Thank you all for the help! (how do you say thank you in german?)


PostPosted: 31. October 2005 08:00
by deepsurfer
I have broken XAMPP three times trying to figure out, and i am beginning to think its one of those small obviouse things no one ever sees until its too late!

maybe thats the reason, make backups befor each changing of the file you edit. at databases you can make DUMPs
or you use the XAMPP-Backup function. ;) ... tml#backup

Thank you all for the help! (how do you say thank you in german?)

in german: Danke für eure Hilfe

(translation word by word to english: thanks for your help)

No Problem, we hope you can see your misstake by configuration.