phpMyAdmin Config Storage Deactivated

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phpMyAdmin Config Storage Deactivated

Postby Jolynn » 25. March 2014 19:38

In the past when using phpMyAdmin I had never gotten this message.

"The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated. To find out why click here."

It just let me store things, so I am unsure what is preventing me from utilizing the storage capacity. I think APACHE FRIENDS should use the CLICK HERE to hook people up to a YouTube video of how to do this segment. Also perhaps address also in the video any new security measures also, so we may use those measures properly. A video with no sound just a point and click placed on YouTube would address many different languages.

I am still learning PHP and MySQL, but then who isn't I think every time I fully understand a scripting language I discover some new facet that just rips apart my confidence.

Please answer thank you.
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Re: phpMyAdmin Config Storage Deactivated

Postby JJ_Tagy » 27. March 2014 13:16

Config storage is completely part of phpMyAdmin. It comes with scripts to set that up that section automatically in the examples folder.
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