New XAMPP 5.5.19 & 5.6.3

Announcements and news about XAMPP and the Apache Friends project.

New XAMPP 5.5.19 & 5.6.3

Postby Beltran » 20. November 2014 11:24

Hi Apache Friends!

We just released new versions of XAMPP for all platforms with latest PHP versions: 5.5.19 and 5.6.3. We simplified the versioning for XAMPP releases and we now base the version number on the bundled PHP version, so you can more easily tell what is in the stack.

In addition to the component upgrades below, we also included a new beta Welcome page, which includes new tutorials. We will continue to add more and would love to get your feedback!

The following guides are available for Windows and Linux in the current versions:

- Backup and Restore MySQL Databases
- Configure FTP Access
- Configure Virtual Hosts
- Configure Wildcard-Based Subdomains
- Deploy an Application Using Git
- Get Started Quickly with WordPress
- Reset the MySQL Root Password
- Send Mail with PHP
- Troubleshoot Apache Startup Problems

You can download new versions at


- Use PHP version for XAMPP version
- Updated PHP to 5.6.3
- Updated MySQL to 5.6.21
- Updated phpMyAdmin to 4.2.11
- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1j
- New XAMPP welcome page (beta)


- Use PHP version for XAMPP version
- Updated PHP to 5.5.19
- Updated MySQL to 5.6.21
- Updated phpMyAdmin to 4.2.11
- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1j
- New XAMPP welcome page (beta)

We need your help to continue improving XAMPP! Please post any suggestion for the new beta Welcome page at We will also add all these guides in the ApacheFriends translation application so they will be also available for different languages soon.

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Posts: 170
Joined: 22. March 2013 12:29
XAMPP version: 10
Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X

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